True Stories

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Do you believe there really are gods that make their presence known to us? Who knows? But we certainly do hear a lot of stories about incidents that people say really happened. There are plenty connected with Manka Lungshan Temple, and we¡¦d like to share a few with you. If you don¡¦t believe in that type of thing, just sit back and enjoy the stories for their entertainment value!

The Foreigners Pray For Sons--Mr.smith's story


When a married couple hopes to have a child, they turn to Mother   Zhusheng for help, and she doesn¡¦t just reserve her blessings for us Chinese either. Foreigners can also come to her for help.
An American diplomat and his wife once came to Taiwan for a short visit, so they stopped in for a visit at Lungshan Temple. Speaking through an interpreter, their guide told them about the details of the temple. The visitors were astounded to learn that we Chinese 

believed in so many different gods, each with its own special powers. The couple had been trying unsuccessfully for a long time to get pregnant, so the guide suggested that they should say a prayer to Mother Zhusheng. ¡§What the heck,¡¨ thought the diplomat, and so he made an earnest plea. Some time later, after everyone had pretty much forgotten the whole thing, a large potted plant was delivered to the temple, with a signed note from a foreigner whose name nobody recognized. They thought about it for a long time before they realized that the plant was from the diplomat.
Someone called the diplomat to thank him for the plant, and was told that the diplomat¡¦s wife had recently gotten pregnant! Pretty amazing, huh?  

King Guansheng cures a bad illness -- Mr. Jian¡¦s story



When our daughter was three years old she was badly burnt. The doctor told us to prepare ourselves for the worst because our daughter would probably not survive. We went to Lungshan Temple and asked Guanyin: ¡¥Will our daughter live?¡¦ Three times in a row, the divination blocks gave an affirmative response. Overjoyed, we offered tea to Guanyin, and followed the doctor¡¦s instructions to the letter. In the end, our daughter achieved a miraculous recovery.¡¨

Guanyin protects a little girl -- Ms. Lin¡¦s story


The doctors discovered a tumor about the size of a golf ball on my mother¡¦s brain, but they couldn¡¦t operate because of her advanced age, high blood pressure, and irregular heart beat. So I came to King Guansheng and used the divination blocks to ask whether my mother had any chance of recovery. I was very surprised to get an answer in the affirmative. After I got home a friend called and told me about a new type of medicine that they had just started importing, and said we might give it a try. I thought about it, and since the doctors had given up on her I decided we might as well try it. My mother took the medicine regularly, and she miraculously got better! The tumor has shrunk to less than half its original size, and   my mother is feeling very spritely!¡¨

King Dizang works a miracle -- Mr. Wu¡¦s story

The guarder of Lungsan Temple

When I was 26 I came down with a strange illness. As I lie in bed sleeping one day I thought I saw my dead father waving to me, but when I opened my eyes I saw my white-haired mother in front of me. I spent two months recuperating in bed. In the meantime my mother went around praying to the gods and asking them what the future held in store. It was very hard on her health. One night while I was in a half-conscious state, four fierce-looking men came to me with weapons in hand. They asked my name and made as if to take me away. I got out of bed, but when I looked back I saw ¡§myself¡¨ still in bed, and they were getting ready to take me. Suddenly there was a bright light. It was King Dizang. When I woke up later, my mother was all excited, and told me that I was over my illness.¡¨

                                                                                    ¡EWritten by Yi-Chun And Chia mei

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