

BelieversThe Chinese hold very diverse religious beliefs. If you keep your eyes open, you may notice people worshiping water, fire, or stone, but at the end of the day we are a very pragmatic people. Religious faith has never played a pivotal role in our history. The reason we worship the gods is that they all help us in certain ways, and we want to thank them for it.

 There’s a point to it all. It’s an exhortation to live right. It urges us, as the old Chinese saying says: “Forget your wicked ways right this minute, you will be fine.” Our gods started out as humans like you and me. The only difference is that at some point they found enlightenment, and turned a corner we haven’t yet come to…

Lungshan Temple is where the residents of Taipei’s Wanhua district go for spiritual sustenance. And when we go through the great passages of life--birth, aging, sickness, and death--it is to Lungshan Temple that we come to take part in the rites that put everything in perspective, and it just keeps going generation after generation.

Of the Buddhist persuasion  

the devout old womanIt is common for both Buddhist and Daoist deities to be worshipped at temples and shrines in Taiwan, but at temples it is Buddhism that takes precedence, and Lungshan Temple is no exception. In addition to Guanyin, the boddhisatva to whom the temple is dedicated, the visitor here can also worship Mother Zhusheng , King Wenchang, King Guansheng, Matsu , and King Dizang (we will introduce them for you. If you are interested in, just press the blue-color words to read the details). The statues for all these spirits give silent yet powerful testimony to the tenacious resilience of our gritty forbears as they made their perilous way across the sea to settle the untamed island of Taiwan.

Another space in time

One mamber of our teamThe faithful ask the deity a yes-or-no question and throw two crescent-shaped divination blocks to see what the future holds in store. If both blocks land flat side down, it means that the deity has given a negative answer. The answer is also negative if both blocks end up with the rounded side downward, but if the two blocks land differently, the answer is positive. If you get the same answer three times in a row, the response is valid. “Will I do well on the big test? Will I find the love of my life?” The answer is in the divination blocks! As we leave, a thought occurs: Might there have been a girl our same age standing in this very spot a hundred years ago thinking what we’re thinking right now or another girl our age come along a hundred years from now…? 

•Written by Yi-Chun and photographed by Chiu-Hui


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