
Impact and Discoveries

Before joining the Cyberfair project, most of us did not know much about shuochang. We thought it was merely cross talks. However, after six months of learning and studying, we have learned more about shuochang, its performance in different forms, and how to modify or write scripts! Beside people on the Cyberfair team, every one at school has also learned, experienced, and understood the fun aspect of shuochang art.


On our project website, besides introducing the history and development of shuochang, we have also presented different activities to introduce, learn, share, and experience shuochang. Through our website, visitors can learn about not only the historical origin and uniqueness of shuochang, but also creative ways to have fun with the art of shuochang.

As for the content of the website, we invited Ms. Li, our shuochang instructor, to help us check on the accuracy and consistency of the materials on the site. Once the site is complete, we invited Ms. Li, Principal Pan, and parents of Cyberfair team members to give us suggestions. Every one of them mentioned that the content of the site was solid, and our introduction on shuochang and experience sharing were also fun and interesting. It is truly a site worth spending time on!

Intellectual Property Rights

Any shuochang history, definitions, names, or groups used on our website that come from the Internet are all properly cited. Furthermore, some content on our website came from interviews, activities, logs, and discussions we had, and some came from the school and materials provided by Ms. Li. Therefore, on ‘Clapping, Talking, And Singing’ website, all pictures, video clips, and text are used in compliance to intellectual property rights. On this website, all sources are properly cited, and all permissions are obtained from school or interviewees before being used.

Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises


Many Hands Make Light Work

In this project, it was very special that instead from Ms. Li, we learned shuochang from our student shuochang expert teachers. The Cyberfair team learned shuochang from our student teachers, and they learned to perform in different ways with the Cyberfair team. We learned and experienced shuochang from different angles. In the end, the Cyberfair team finalized the project by publishing its findings over the six-month period on our project website.

Courage, Confidence, and Sense of Accomplishment

In our many learning and performing opportunities, we learned that we must have the courage to get what we want, and be confident to show what we have learned. As long as we take advantage of every opportunity to show confidently what we have learned, applauses from the audience and our own sense of accomplishment will make an ever lasting impression in our hearts.

Not Merely Making A Website

While making the website, we realized it was not easy at all! Besides organizing our learning and planned activities from the past six months into sensible contents, we had to take care of every minor detail about the website. We drew pictures by hand or using software to enhance pictures and videos. Most importantly, we had to consider how to bring our viewers the most comfortable and rewarding browsing experience.


There were many opportunities for us to perform to different audiences throughout the project. Before our first performance, we always thought to perform shuochang, we only needed to memorize the script and clap. But when it came time to perform, we realized just how wrong we were. We had to adjust our performance according to the age, nature, and preference of the audience. After a few performances, we started preparing before every single performance to ensure our audience would walk away with satisfied smiles on their faces.


After this project, we found that shuochang is indeed a very special type of performing art. With different locations and languages, shuochang is able to take on different forms. It is able to combine different performing styles into one show, and the number of performers is not restricted. From this project, we not only learned the art of shuochang, but also raised our courage, self-confidence, and sense of accomplishment!