Gratitude and Challenges

Throughout the research, we faced different obstacles and challenges. We stuck together and worked as a team to finally conquer them all, bringing the project to a smooth conclusion.

Our Challenges

[Obstacles and Challenges] Time allocation

Finding time to work together had always been our greatest challenge. We all came from different classes, and we went home at different times. So it was difficult to set up a time for us to work on the project or practice for our shuochang performances. We learned to manage our time and arrange our schedule so we could have time to complete the project as a team.

[Obstacles and Challenges] Understanding and performing shuochang

Before joining the Cyberfair team, eight of us did not have any prior experience with shuochang. Studying shuochang was a new experience and challenge for us. We had to not only learn so many different forms of shuochang, but also perform them. We had to memorize the scripts, work on our articulation, add movements, exaggerate our facial expressions, and correct our intonations. The Cyberfair team and teachers stuck together and cheered each other on so we were able to perform to perfection. Our performance got better, and our understanding on shuochang reached a whole new level.

[Obstacles and Challenges] Interviews

We conducted quite a number of interviews to allow people to share their stories with us. Since most interviewees were strangers, so overcoming this inner fear and nervousness became a major issue for us. In order to conduct the interviews in a more casual manner, we practiced numerous times at school with our teachers and peers to simulate any possible scenarios. It was with such preparedness that we were able to conduct interviews with great success.

[Obstacles and Challenges] Writing Skills

After each event, our teachers would ask us to write a field report about the event, and this is when our writing skills kick in. Some of us have deficiencies in writing composition, so we had to spend a lot more time and effort to complete the field reports. With more practices, we got the hang of it, and our writing skills had improved.

Text: the Original Artsy Shuochang Posse │ Pictures: the Original Artsy Shuochang Posse