Interview with Director of Han Lin Shuochang Group: Mr. Wang Zhen Quan

Fast clapper talks to thank Director Wang

Interviewer: Yu-Tsai Original Artsy Shuochang Posse|Recorded by Candy

Date: 2016.01.24|Location: Da Dao Cheng Theater

Last time we visited T.Q.T. and prepared ‘Felicitation’ and clapper talks for Director Yeh. Today, we have planned the same performance, with refinements based on Director Yeh’s feedbacks, for Director Wang to show our appreciation. We hope Director Wang is able to give us some feedbacks after our performance.

Performance pictures

|Fast clapper talks to thank Director Wang|

Feedbacks from Director Wang

After watching Yu-Tsai Original Artsy Shuochang Posse’s ‘Felicitation’ and ‘Da Guo Men,’ here are some suggestions from Director Wang:

Control of Speed:You guys were going way too fast. When you go fast, you don’t leave yourself enough time to deliver every word and every verse clearly. You are in fact hurrying yourself for no apparent reason.

Always wear a smile: Another take away for you guys is to always wear a smile on your face. When you watch a Chinese shuochang performance, the performers always wear a smile. It may seem a bit artificial, but smiles are known to be contagious. When the audience sees the smile on the faces of the performers, they would laugh from their hearts.
‘Get words out of your mouth clearly, add facial expression on top of that, and you have yourself a genuinely touching performance.’

A Thank You Card to thank Director Wang

The content of the Thank You Card

Dear Director Wang,
My name is Wang You Jun, and I’m a third grade student at Yu-Tsai. I still remember going to Han Lin during winter break when I was in first grade. Your lessons got me hooked on cross talks, and you did a great job teaching. Your lessons were fun and inspiring, and I learned a lot about shuochang through games and activities. You even personally went through the trouble to prepare us for our performance, and for that, I’m eternally grateful. I hope you can keep promoting and teaching shuochang so more people in Taiwan are able to experience the fun of shuochang.


Text: the Original Artsy Shuochang Posse │ Pictures: the Original Artsy Shuochang Posse