In-School Shuochang Performance

After a semester of learning, everyone in the shuochang class would always get a chance to perform in school. When our sister school, Yangzhou Yu-Tsai elementary school, paid us a visit, our student shuochang experts would show our honorable guests what they have learned in the art of shuochang.

Extracurricular Classes Semester-End Presentation

At the end of a semester, teachers and students from every extracurricular class would hold semester-end presentations for prospective students who might be interested in signing up, or parents who wanted to see the learning results of their children. After a semester of learning, students in beginner and advance classes took turns performing to show what they have learned. The two classes were also able to learn from each other and bring each other’s performance a notch higher.

Year-End Celebration

In Yu-Tsai’s annual Year-End Celebration, the art of shuochang class, the one that combined knowledge and entertainment, had always been the highlight of the event. The entire school gathered on the playground to enjoy a superb shuochang show. The topics and themes of the performance were carefully arranged, and the performers’ formation and movements enhanced the audience’s level of enjoyment. After the show, the audience would have felt like they had just journeyed through a trip filled with linguistic and artistic wonderments. In Yu-Tsai’s Year-End Celebration, the shuochang class had always stunned the crowd and received enthusiastic applause from the audience.

Academic Exchange with Sister School

Ever since 2014, our sister school, Yangzhou Yu-Tsai elementary school, paid us a visit every year for academic exchange. During their visit, both schools were able to see splendid shuochang performances. In 2014, we presented fast clapper talks, cross talks duo, and group cross talks. Yangzhou Yu-Tsai performed Yangzhou tune and classical poetry reciting. In 2015, we prepared shuochang style performances like seven-piece clapper, cross talks duo relay, Tang poetry reciting, and storytelling. Yangzhou Yu-Tsai students laughed wholeheartedly and applauded our performance. From exchanging with Yangzhou Yu-Tsai, students from both schools were able to understand the diverse nature and richness of shuochang as a form of performing art.

Text: the Original Artsy Shuo-Chang Posse │ Pictures: the Original Artsy Shuo-Chang Posse