


Date: 2014.01.08 Location: Social Studies Classroom (2) of Sanyu Elementary School

  On January 8, in order to better understand the heartfelt experience of the performers, we invited the actors and actresses who played the roles of the little frogs to meet with the team to talk about their experience as little frogs on stage.

Q1: How did it feel wearing the frog costume? Was it hot during performance? Was it easy to put on and take off?

(Lin)(Chiu): It’s fleecy. Usually it felt hot when I put it on and during photo sessions, but it wasn’t so hot on stage because there was air conditioning.
(Hsieh):On the stage when the light is on you, it gets really hot because the stage lights are really bright.

Q2: When on stage, as little frogs, why did you walk and not hop?

(Lin): Because we were not real frogs.
(Chiu):The audience won’t be able to see us properly. We would be too fast if we hop.
(Huang): It’s too tiring, hopping.

Q3: Did the costumes come off during the performance? Would it make you trip when you move?

No, it didn’t come off or make us trip.

Q4: How much time did you spend in preparation for the opera “The Story of Liu Hai and Jinchan”? Were there any problems during the making of the opera? How did you overcome it?

8~9 times. 3 times at the drama stage, in school 3 times upstairs and 2 times downstairs, about 8 to9 times.
(Huang): I had a bone fracture, so couldn’t practice until I was well.
(Hsieh): In the beginning I didn’t know how to play the drum. Nonetheless, I dealt with it!

Q5: How would you grade yourselves on your performance this time out of ten? Why?

The little frogs were all very humble… (can’t be too vain) They gave themselves zero to one.

Q6: What made you want to take part in the performing of “The Story of Liu Hai and Jinchan”?

(Lin): Since, I had never done performances like this; I thought that it would be a lot of fun.

Q7: If you could choose, what role do you want to play? Why?

(Chiu):I want to play the drumming frog.
(Lin): I wanted to play Liu Hai or Jin Chan.
(Wang): As long as it’s not a female role, it’s all fine with me.

Q8: In the opera there were parts where the little frogs have to play the drum; did the two of you know how to play the drum? Or was it only make pretend?

(Wang)(Hsieh):We never learned. It wasn’t make pretend.

Q9: In the opera there were parts where the little frogs were playing and when they heard that there was pizza they all jumped up with joy. Did you think up the scene yourself, or was it planned by the director?

Most of the scenes were planned by the teacher, but scenes such as the dancing and the pizza were our ideas.

Q10: What are your feelings and thoughts about the performing of Taiwanese Opera? Would you consider following an acting career path?

(Lin):I get nervous during the performance, but I think it’s a lot of fun. I may put it into consideration for the future.
(Chiu): I get nervous. If it’s not Taiwanese opera I may consider.

Q11: What were your most memorable experiences while taking part in the opera?

(Wang): Playing the drum. Because it was new and it was a lot of fun. I would want to take part in another Taiwanese opera. Since I had never taken part in one, the feeling was awesome.
(Hsieh):What a coincidence. I played the frog prince the first time and now the little frog.
(Chiu):When I was dancing as a frog. Since I was in the first row facing directly at the audience, I was very nervous and the frog costume made me very hot.
(Lin):The curtain call was the most memorable, because the atmosphere was good and it felt like the performance was a success. I think performing in Taiwanese Opera is a lot of fun. You can learn a lot of interesting things. I think I might go into acting in the future.