An-Po Tourist Cycle Path By:JIANG HAO TIAN
Qingshan Village
Qingshan is the second biggest village of Sandimen Township with a well-known
scenic spot, “Poseidon’s Palace”that has strange peaks, a gorge and a deep pool
like in the myth, which is why it’s called Poseidon’s Palace (at the moment it
is temporarily closed due to the effects of Typhoon Morakot)
Maer Village
Maer Village's name comes from the transliteration of the aborigine name into
Japanese. It literally means "horse village” but don’t be fooled into thinking
it has a lot of horses. At the entrance to the village visitors are greeted by
the image of a warrior on horseback.
The tourist cycle path passes the church, millet fields and a rest stop with a
distinctive aborigine flavor.