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Project Bibliography

An introduction to regenerated soil. Department of Environment Protection, Taipei City government. Retrieved from June 26th, 2014 http://www.dep.gov.taipei/ct.asp?xitem=14867691&CtNode=39399&mp=110001

An introduction to Shanshuilu Eco-Park. (2014). Department of Environment Protection, Taipei City government. Retrieved from June 26th, 2014 http://www.dep.gov.taipei/ct.asp?xItem=78227803&ctNode=72893&mp=110001

Association of Industry for Environment Protection. Retrieved from 2015 http://www.aiep.com.tw/.

Birds of the world. (2015). Retrieved from 2015 http://carolinabirds.org/html/bulbul.htm

BirdLife International (2012). International Union for Conservation of Nature. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Chiuchuang Villag. (2014). The documentary data of environmental protection evaluation in Chiuchuang Villag. (節能減碳行動標章評等資料) Taipei: Chiuchuang.

Department of Environment Protection, Taipei City government. Retrieved from 2015 http://www.dep.gov.taipei/.

Environmental Protection Administration, R.O.C.(Taiwan). Retrieved from 2015 http://www.epa.gov.tw/mp.asp?mp=epa.

Free regenerated soil offered by the Taipei Government. (2011). Lihpao News. Retrieved from August 21st, 2011 http://www.lihpao.com/?action-viewnews-itemid-110064

How biogas power generation contributed to green energy. (2013).  Retrieved from August, 2013 http://energymonthly.tier.org.tw/outdatecontent.asp?ReportIssue=201308&Page=5

How biogas turned into gold: Generating 330 million degrees of electricity. (2015). Und News. Retrieved from Feburary 19th, 2015 http://udn.com/news/story/7803/713847

How Sangjuku Landfill became Shanshuilu. (2013). Taiwan Environmental Center. Retrieved from http://e-info.org.tw/node/69853

The great opening of Shanshuilu. (2013). Taiwan Environmental Center. Retrieved from April 17th, 2013 http://e-info.org.tw/node/85232

Regenerated energy: The natural resources of life and growth in nature. (2004). Taiwan Environmental Center. Retrieved from 2004 http://e-info.org.tw/column/eccpda/2004/ec04031601.htm

Rename Sangjuku Landfill as Shanshuilu Eco-Park: Lightening the green ecological park. (2013). Yam News. Retrieved from April 17th, 2013 http://history.n.yam.com/taiwanhot/place/20130417/20130417396286.html

Taiwan Environmental Protection Union. Retrieved from 2015 http://www.tepu.org.tw/.

 An introduction to Sanjuku Landfill project. (2001).The Bureau of Environmental Protection. Taipei Municipal Government, R.O.C.

The waste landfill: How Tali Landfill becomes a park. Taiwan Environmental Center. Retrieved from March 25th, 2008 http://e-info.org.tw/node/31353