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Interview with concertmasters
Yan-Ming Liao, General Director and Soprano Accordion concertmaster You-Chen Ye, Bass Drum, Gong, Cymbal, Triangle and Tambourine concertmaster
Yun-Ruei Chang, Tenor Accordion concertmaster Po-Yuan Yang, Bass Accordion oncertmaster
Hao Liu, Pianica oncertmaster Yi-Xuan Lin, xylophone concertmaster
Xin-Di Lin, Alto Accordion concertmaster Yu-Huan Chen, Piano concertmaster
Jun-Da Peng, organ concertmaster Jun-Wei Chen, Timpani concertmaster
Hong-Yu Chen, Drum Set concertmaster    

Hong-Yu Chen, Drum Set Player

  • Interviewer|Yan-Ming Liao
  • Interviewee|Hong-Yu Chen, Drum Set Player
  1. Why did you join Children Orchestra?
  2. A: I joined with my classmate.

  3. The drummer seems cool but looked very hard to play. Why did you choose snare drum?
  4. A: I wanted to give it a try. Also because it is hard, I wanted to conquer it.

  5. What did you feel when you started with drum set from snare drum?
  6. A: A little scared but excited.

  7. Drum set needs both hands and feet to play. How did you feel about it at first?
  8. A: I asked myself, you really want to do this?

  9. You play the drum set perfectly. How do you feel about it?
  10. A: I am very happy to conquer it. I am happy and relaxing When I play it.

  11. Did you feel difficult? Why?
  12. A: I would think of something happier and practice more.

  13. What do you learn so far?
  14. A: We cannot run away from the difficulties, we should conquer and challeange it

  15. Will you keep practicing the drum set after you grow up in the free time? Will you want to become a professional drummer?
  16. A: We cannot run away from the difficulties, we should conquer and challeange it

  17. Will you keep practicing the drum set after you grow up in the free time? Will you want to become a professional drummer?
  18. A: I think I will keep practicing in my free time.

  19. Please talk about the details of the drum set.
  20. A: There are many instruments in a drum set. The combination could be changed in different songs. There were usually a snare drum, a bass drum, a floor tom, 2 middle drums, 2 to 4 suspensory cymbals, and a brass cymbal which control by treadle with left foot. It is the basic 5-drum set. There are variations set to deal with different songs and the drummer's skill.

My interview is over. Thank you for your time.

  The rock style of drum set is very attarctive Introducing the drum set  

Reviews of the reporterYan-Ming Liao, Past Master

  I was felt that people who play percussion instrument, such as drum and triangle, are poor with keyboard skills so they couldn't handle with other instruments, such as accordion. After I interview Hong-Yu Chen. I know him better. He has good sense of beat and learn very fast. He always practice very hard after teacher teach him. We call him genius drummer. He also strive for joining the summer training with his parents. We should learn from him.

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