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Interview with concertmasters
Yan-Ming Liao, General Director and Soprano Accordion concertmaster You-Chen Ye, Bass Drum, Gong, Cymbal, Triangle and Tambourine concertmaster
Yun-Ruei Chang, Tenor Accordion concertmaster Po-Yuan Yang, Bass Accordion oncertmaster
Hao Liu, Pianica oncertmaster Yi-Xuan Lin, xylophone concertmaster
Xin-Di Lin, Alto Accordion concertmaster Yu-Huan Chen, Piano concertmaster
Jun-Da Peng, organ concertmaster Jun-Wei Chen, Timpani concertmaster
Hong-Yu Chen, Drum Set concertmaster    

Jun-Wei Chen, Timpanist

  • Interviewer|Yun-Ruei Chang
  • Interviewee|Jun-Wei Chen, Timpanist
  1. Why did you choose the timpani as your instrument?
  2. A:  The teacher's advice.

  3. Do you like it? Why?
  4. A: Yes, I like the majestic sound.

  5. How to play a timpani?
  6. A: Using sticks to knock the surface.

  7. What's the structure of timpani?
  8. A: The shape of the drum body is like a hemisphere and the body is made of brass with some small hole. The surface is made of leather or plastic and inlayed in a metal frame. Under the drum is a treadle which can adjust pitches of the timpani by changing the tightness.

  9. Why did you want to join Children Orchestra?
  10. A: At first, I just wanted to try it but I fell in love with music.

  11. Did you feel difficult? Why?
  12. A: No, interest is the best teacher.

  13. Will you conquer or give up when you encounter the difficulty?
  14. A: I conquer. There are nothing if you give up.

  15. Do you practice at home? Why?
  16. A: No. The timpani is big and expensive. I can't carry it around or buy it by myself.

  17. Did you ever want to change instruments? Why?
  18. A: I wanted to learn the accordion because it was a bit boring to keep playing a percussion instrument.

  19. The daily practice is hard. And we train in vacations. Did you ever want to quit? Why?
  20. A: No, I love Children Orchestra.

  21. What do you think about the practice?
  22. A: It was very happy to perform in different kinds of music.

My interview is over. Thank you.

  The big timpani can make meticulous sound It takes times by setting the timpani  

Reviews of the reporterYun-Ruei Chang, Quick Silver

  I am very exciting about my first interview. I learned to use camera a night before it with my father and my sister. I want to take good photos with all of us. Everyone smile generously that many people cannot do it.

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