計畫簡報HomepageAbout Trukumusic and danceMusical InstrumentsstoryClassroomInheritance結論

History and Geography • Language Culture • Social Structure • Rituals and Ceremonies • Sinbaiyang


        The district our school belongs to is located in Wanrung Township Jianqing Village. The name of our tribe is Sinbaiyang Tribe, and almost the entire population consists of Truku people. The Truku are an aboriginal people that reside in the mountainous regions of Taiwan, and are known for their hunting and weaving traditions. During the Japanese occupation, all aboriginal tribes that practice face-painting were commonly referred to as the Atayal, but as times changed and historical lapses created cultural differences such as language, rituals, dress and cuisine, the Truku were formally renamed, and became the twelfth branch of Taiwanese aboriginal peoples. This article introduces the various aspects of Truku culture, “history and geography,” “language culture,” “social structure,” and “rituals and ceremonies,” in order to clarify the origins of the naming of the Sinbaiyang Tribe, their migration history, geographical location, local industries, and important historical events.

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References and Source:Hualien County Wanrung Township website  http://www.wanrung.gov.tw/