Cat Lovers in Taipei ﹥ The Finale ﹥ Acknowledgements

Appeal Again | Acknowledgements
First, we have to thank for Teacher Liu and Teacher Lai.  They have contributed a lot and leaded us to go forward step by step, so that we could use our own talents and complete the project together.
  We are so thankful for Teacher Wen, who had supervised us all the time, and reminded us some details we didn’t notice before, so that we could make it in time
Teacher Chen, who is also our homeroom teacher, helped us review all the Chinese articles and encouraged us to move on.  We are very thankful.
Of course, we have to thank for Teacher Yen.  Since we are not English native speakers, we have a hard time translating this project into English.  She had helped us solving all those confusing grammar problems and usages we were not familiar with..
  In making the project, we have known a lot of cat lovers.  This whole project all started with the restaurant run by A-zen and Mars.  These two cat-loving chefs urged us to go through this wonderful journey of cats.
Doctor Huang in Taipei Animal Shelter had helped us gained a lot of useful knowledge, and knew the working process in Taipei Animal Shelter. Another vet Doctor Cat is the Feline authority in Taipei. Should you ever confront any cats’ problems, just go and ask him! Madame the Cat told us a lot of stories about Cat Lover Society in Houtong, and provided us many useful tips while shooting cats.  Plus the tips provided by Shiao-shien, we really learned a lot about photography through our interviews.
   We are truly very thankful for all those teachers and interviewees who had helped us while making our project.  Thank you and your loving, caring and willing-to-help attitude has set a wonderful example for us to follow.