Cat Lovers in Taipei ﹥ About Us ﹥ Team Members

Team Members | Field Trips

Team Members
Teacher: Mr. Yi-de Wen
By joining the CyberFair, these students have learned how to team work.  They can really unite as a team to think about and solve the problems they confronted.  They actively explore and positively do the research, which is very important in their own character development.  I am very glad that I have this chance to grow with students.


Teacher: Mr. Mu-hui Lai

This is the seventh time that I instruct students to attend the meaningful CyberFair.  The students of this team “Le Chat” are all very active, positive and effective to cooperate no matter in data collecting, field trips, interviews and manufacturing of web pages.  I would say it is definitely one of the best among those teams I had instructed.  Finally, I have to express my appreciation and special thanks for the Taipei Animal Shelter in Neihu, Animal Protection Association.  They had provided many information and data for us to complete the project smoothly.

Teacher: Mr. Lin-chuan Liu
        Seeing the outcome of this project, I am deeply moved with the enthusiasm and the persistence in these young students.
        It was on that day that Shin-ni, Wei-kai and Yui-chiey came to find me and expressed that they wanted to attend this year’s CyberFair.  According to my past experiences, I knew that it was not an easy job and students quitted very often.  They might just come up with these words and didn’t mean it.  However, as a teacher, I thought that they might be different, so I said yes under the condition that they had to do well in the studies and sacrifice their personal leisure time.
        After one month, the leader of the team Shin-ni has found all the teammates, and told me firmly, “We have decided to take cats as our subject.” “We had been to the Houtong Cat Village, and we also made an appointment with the Head of the Village.” At that time, I was thinking to myself, “They mean it!”
        The leader Shin-ni is good at Designing and Editing.  She’s responsible and knows what she’s doing., so she takes charge of communication and execution of the whole project.  Yui-jiey, who’s outgoing and good-looking, he’s very suitable for the job of communication with interviewees and related institutions. Wei-kai, an A student at school, is mild and patient.  He is our photographer this time and has taken many amazing pictures. Their schoolmates also give them many good advices.
        Nearly half the year, they have given their whole heart and endeavor no matter in deciding the subject, collecting the data, doing the fieldtrips, and interviewing the participants.  Of course, I have to thank for the Animal Protection Association in Taiwan and so many enthusiastic cat lovers to help them finish this wonderful project.


Teacher: Ms. Chi-wei Chen
I still remember that afternoon when all the class went home, Yui-jiey came to tell me that he’s interested in attending CyberFair.  I said, “Sure, find some classmates to make a team first.” I went on, “These people must be good at making web pages.  I will check it out for you.” And he’s like, very happy and wanted to ensure that I wouldn’t forget this.  I was thinking to myself, “Wow! Here I have a very positive freshman!”
Therefore, they made up a team after a while and elected Shin-ni as the leader.  These students are very positive and active.  I felt amazed about their performance since they were just freshmen at that time. Under the instructions of Teacher Lin, Teacher Lai, and Teacher Wen, they have made a lot of progress ever since.
        Frankly speaking, I was not that into cats before.  However, by reviewing their articles about cats, I gradually started to like cats!  I never knew that they were so adorable!  Every time when I looked at those pictures and their reports, I smiled.

I like their project a lot, and I appreciate all the help from cat lovers and related institutions.  Thank you for helping them to finish this wonderful job and let them to learn from doing, thank you!


Teacher: Mr. Shu-fen Yen
        I have to say that this is a tough job.  It’s already hard enough for students to accomplish such a wonderful project in Chinese, not to mention re-making a version in English. They surely have run into a lot of trouble.  Finding all the English translations of Taipei vet clinics is the most challenging job.  It took them plenty of time.  However, with their hard work, they have helped our own community, the tourists and foreigners to get to know Taipei better.  This is an unbelievable contribution especially when you think of their age and their limited time.  It’s not my first time to help students with English translation, but it’s the first time that I think the students do contribute a lot.  CyberFair is a wonderful activity to urge students to learn better about their living community and increase their sense of responsibility.   I love this project and the enthusiasm they have shown, and I believe that they will definitely become even better persons in the future because of this experience.


Team leader: Shin-ni Tsai
From the moment we decided to join the CyberFair till the moment we finished our work, we have been busying putting each word and each pictures together.  In this long road, we have gained a lot of wonderful memories.  Some of them maybe those silly mistakes, some are those meaningless fighting, some are the fatigues when facing so many heavy studies, and some are the happiness and joy when we figured something out and had things done successfully!  We have conquered a lot to get here because we have always worked as a team!
Because of the field trip in Houtong, I learned that strayed cats could get along with people really well.  They are not afraid of people, and some of them even sneaked into our coats and bags.  We wanted to let more people to know that we should create an animal-friendly environment.  Cats were not those creepy, vicious, dark creatures in our stereotypes, but they are intimate, sensitive and adorable.  So we decided to take cats as our subject.

        Through many nights’ collecting, writing and re-writing, editing, assembling, we were tired but we never forgot our goal: to make our community a better place for humans and animals to live in.  We want to do what we can do to make it happen though we are only high school students.  Hopefully our project has made it!

Team member: Yui-jiey Cheng
At first, we did all these simply out of curiosity.  We went together to ask the restaurant owner a couple of questions, and we happened to know that there’s a meaningful event called CyberFair.  So here we are!  We started our journey without knowing difficulties ahead of us.

        The definition of our topic is very hard.  We want to say so many things about the cats in Taipei, so we made an agreement to include our community in the title, “Cat Lovers in Taipei”.
        Among those trivial details and difficult problems we had met, the most difficult one was that we still had a lot of homework to do.  We encouraged each other and made it through.  Finally we made it.  No matter about the knowledge of cats, interviewing skills, or web pages making techniques, we all have learned a lot.  And most importantly, we learn how to allocate jobs and make teamwork.  This is an unforgettable experience.  I am very glad that we made it.

Team member: Wei-kai Tseng
        Really, it turned out to be totally different from the thing I first pictured it.  I originally thought it would just be some web pages making.  However, this is an event stressed more on teamwork and content.
        Right before this, I didn’t like cats that much.  Especially when I saw black cats at night.  Seeing those scary eyes of a black cat would really scare me to death.  However, because of this project, I cannot help but contact with this mysterious animal.  It turned out that I started to like them!  When we got to Houtong, there were so many cute cats that are willing to get near humans.  From then on, my points had totally been changed!
        I took the job as a photographer this time.  It was my first experience to seriously take pictures of a cat.  Cats were hard to shoot, and they would never pose for you.  They skipped and jumped everywhere, and my camera lost the focus all the time.  I had experienced a horrible failure when I first shot them.  With some photographers’ suggestions, I gradually got the point.  However, I still felt sorry for not taking good pictures at certain moments.

        This website presents all our efforts as a team.  We also learn a lot of knowledge in cats, web pages making, and photography.  We know how to communicate better and unite as a team.  These are truly valuable for us!


Team member: Chiun-hong Peng

        I am very thankful for having this opportunity to get to know cats better.  And I have more imagination about cats ever since.  I have to thank Shin-ni to include me as a team member, or I will still know nothing about cats now.  Maybe I still don’t like cats as I used to be.  I have to thank our homeroom teacher to review and revise many Chinese problems when we wrote, which made our web pages easy to understand.  And I thank all the other teachers who have helped so much.  Thanks to all the other teammates who have tolerated me.  With your encouragement, I could pay more attention on my duty and sort all the collected data.  I have learned a lot from you, thank you!


Team member: Chia-Yui Chung

        I am very thankful for having this opportunity to get to know cats better.  And I have more imagination about cats ever since.  I have to thank Shin-ni to include me as a team member, or I will still know nothing about cats now.  Maybe I still don’t like cats as I used to be.  I have to thank our homeroom teacher to review and revise many Chinese problems when we wrote, which made our web pages easy to understand.  And I thank all the other teachers who have helped so much.  Thanks to all the other teammates who have tolerated me.  With your encouragement, I could pay more attention on my duty and sort all the collected data.  I have learned a lot from you, thank you!