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Meal Delivery

The Foundation volunteers deliver meals to elders living alone everyday.  They always make their missions completed.  There was a volunteer who broke his arm on the way of delivering meals.  But that did not reduce his passion to serve.  This time, The Ping-He Doves follow the volunteers to deliver meals to elders in need.


The Number of Volunteers and Clients

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Illustrations From The Ping-He Doves


Hsu Ching-Shun is the social worker who is in charge of meals to the elders. We contacted with him in advance.


The Note

  • Time & Date
    10:30, Feb. 8
  • Meeting place
    Changhua Christian Hospital
  • Purpose
    Delivering meals to Dacun Township
  • Transportation
    By motorcycle

Before moving out

To visit the elders, we wrote cards and bought some fresh fruit for them. The roads to their home were too narrow to drive. Therefore, all of us asked our parents to give us a ride by motorcycle and of course, everyone wore a safety helmet.

How Far is the Route?

The route:
Changhua City→Dacun Township ( about 11 km from Changhua City to Dacun Township, 22 Km for a round )

The map information from (http://g.co/maps/hwjsu)





Let's go to deliver meals

The Changhua Christian Hospital Gate


Ms. Chan was so touched that we were voluntary to deliver meals.


Mr. Hsu explained meal delivery.


What a big surprise. We got reporters' accompany.


We took a photo together before moving out.

The Nutrition Dept. in Changhua Christian Hospital


We took the meals from the Nutrition Dept..


The nutritious lunches were wrapped in steel boxes.


The lunches were in thermal insulation bags on the way of delivery to keep the heat in.


We took the lunch boxes and had to finish our mission before 12 o’clock.

Gathering at the Intersection of Dafu Rd. for Dacun Township


We gathered at the intersection of Dafu Rd..


It's a long way to our destination. We were all admired the volunteers for their efforts everyday.


It took us 20 minutes to arrive Dacun. We expected to see the elders.


We’d better hurry up because it was almost noontime.

Photos & Text From The Ping-He Doves