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School Hair Donation

Talking about the "School Hair Donation", we must speak of the three important forces.  The first force is Our Home Client Service Center, an unit of the Foundation, has been promoting hair donation since 2008. The second force is Ms. Wu, Director of our school, has been pushing the hair donation in school since 2010.  The Ping-He Doves is the third force by joining in the activity as the angels of hair donation.

Important Forces

No. 1: A Skin-Graft With Love Foundation ~ Our Home Client Service Center

Yang Wun-Pei, the registered Nurse, makes hair donation guidance in school.

Yang Wun-Pei, the registered nurse, makes hair donation guidance in school.

Chang Shu-Hua, the Clerk , sends the thanks card to donators.

Chang Shu-Hua, the Clerk , sends the thanks card to donators.

Hsu Ya-Ting, the social worker, handles the application of wigs.

Hsu Ya-Ting, the social worker, handles the application of wigs.

No. 2: Wu Mei-Jun
(Director of Students' Affair of Ping He Elementary School)

Ms. Wu has been holding 8 hair donations since 2010.

Ms. Wu donated her hair.

Ms. Wu delivered her hair to Our Home Client Service Center for donation.

No. 3: Our Team~The Ping-He Doves


We made posters for advertising hair donation by ourselves and put up them all around the community.


We also donated our hair.


We delivered the donated hair to the center.

Photos From Wu Mei-Jun & The Ping-He Doves
Text From The Ping-He Doves


There had been 8 sessions of hair donations in school since December 2010. There were at least 56 people donating their hair. We also participated in the activity.




Photos of donator

Dec. 28, 2010

Hair Donation at the End of Year


It was the first donation in our school.

Jan. 11, 2011

The 100th year, the bunch of hair: Series 1



Daai TV interviewed the donators.


a group photo of donators

Feb. 15, 2011

The 100th year, the bunch of hair: Series 2



We, The Ping-He Doves, delivered the hair to Our Home Client Service Center.

Mar. 8, 2011

The 100th year, the bunch of hair: Series 3


We, The Ping-He Doves, helped Ms.Wu to collect the donated hair.

Mar. 29, 2011

The 100th year, the bunch of hair: Series 4



People donated their hair to Ping He Elementary School after the reports.

Jun. 28, 2011

The 100th year, the bunch of hair: Series 5



The graduates joined in the activity of hair donation.

Dec. 20, 2011

The 100th year, the bunch of hair: Series 6


Ms. Wu donated her hair, too.

Jan. 19, 2012

The 100th year, the bunch of hair: Series 7



As an angel of hair donation, we delivered 5 bunches of donated hair which from Da Jia Elementary School to Our Home Client Service Center.

Photos & Text From Wu Mei-Jun & The Ping-He Doves