Location ─ Index / Service to the Campus / Dementia Prevention Guidance / Activity Reflections


By Ms. Chan’s explanation and the situation comedy, I understand what dementia is.  It means a weak brain caused by the death of brain cells.  In 2056, there will be 600,000 dementia persons in Taiwan.  Since we are guardian angels, we should protect them now.

I learned how to take care of dementia elders.  I also knew how to tell dementia from amnesia, and how to prevent it. Ms. Chan gave a really good lecture.  I decided to help dementia elders and their family.

I learned a lot about dementia from the lecture.  We should treat dementia people with patience and carefulness.  Dementia is a global issue now.  Even it is almost the end of their lives, we should help them to go on with more confidence.

Ms. Chan gave us a lecture about dementia persons and rendered us for guardian angels.  Taiwan is an aging society now.  There will be more and more elders to have dementia, so we should help them indeed.

Ms. Chan introduced a lot about the symptoms of dementia, also to teach us how to prevent dementia.  In the beginning, I got a little confused.  After Ms. Chan’s explaining, I finally understand the causes and prevention of dementia.  She said, early treatment of dementia can control the disease.  She stressed the "three no": Not scared, not to pressure, not to harm their self-esteem.  From the lecture, I learned how to cherish our elders.

I was impressed by the lecture.  The CEO said dementia elders often did not know what they were doing, not recognize their family, for example the Ex-President of USA, Ronald Reagan.  There is no cure for dementia patients.  She also mentioned that there were many causes of dementia, family dementia history, gene mutation, hypertension and so on.  After the lecture, I have a better understanding of dementia.


Photos & Text From The Ping-He Doves