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Red building and I 
Interview with principal 
Interview with Want Taiwan1 
Interview with Want Taiwan2 
Interview with Want Taiwan3 
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Interview of Want Taiwan Cultural Environment Foundation (Part II)



Interview with Want Taiwan Cultural Environment Foundation
  Date: 2010. 11. 03

  Interviewee: Architect, Mr. Zhi-Song Lin
  Interviewer: Shao-Hua Huang, Han- Fu Huang, Shih- Kai Hsu, Hao-Ping Li

 Q1: What are the characteristics of the red building of Rixin? Why do we want
        to preserve it?
 A1: From 1895 to 1945, during the Japanese colonial period, cities and buildings in
      Taiwan were immensely influenced by Japan.
      Our presidential building was built in 1919, where the architectural style was to
      use red bricks for buildings. Although the red building of Rixin was built around
      the same period of time, for it was a school rather than governmental
      buildings, there werenˇ¦t as many decorations on the building.
      The architectures of an era represent the actual social situation and witness
      the development of culture and history. Our red building is a century old. During
      this century, it gathered the joint memories of so many people and forged the
      traditions of our school. Thus, preserving the building is just like preserving our
      historical and cultural legacy. This is so meaningful to everyone of us.
      Also, there arenˇ¦t many red buildings of that time left now in Taipei. This adds
      to the importance of preserving the red building of Rixin.




 Q2: Comparing with other famous red buildings in Taipei, what are the
        difference between them and our red building at Rixin?
(Han- Fu)
 A2: These kind of red buildings in Taiwan are divided into five categories:
       governmental buildings, religious buildings, school buildings, civilian houses
       and hospitals. The style of most of the school buildings are simple but
       emphasize on the proportion, focusing on the delicacy of construction and the
       beauty of mechanics.
       The main characteristics of red building at Rixin lies in its structure. We see
       the beautiful arch and details. If you stand inside the building, you could feel
       the interaction between the sun lights and building itself.


 Q3: What is the main concept of this renovation of red building? (Hao-Ping)
 A3: The basic attitude of renovating historical buildings is to restore its original
       appearance. Because part of the wall of this red building was torn down, also
       the roof was changed for fixing the leaking problem, our hope is to try to give
       back its original look during this renovation.


 Q5: Did you encounter any difficulty during renovation?
        How did you solve it?
 A5: One of the difficult part of this kind of renovation is that you donˇ¦t know what
       the inside is like until you tear down the outer pieces. Usually, when we get to
       see what itˇ¦s really like inside, it is quite different from what we expected.
       Because we didnˇ¦t have many historical documents at hand to help us, we
       would have to tear down a window or scratch down the cement on the wall in
       order to find out how it was built at that time. After that, it takes many
       meetings to determine what we are going to do for next step. This is the most
       difficult part.


 Q6: Does Renovating the red building need any special material or
        method? (Han- Fu)
 A6: We basically use bricks to renovate the building. But because the building is
       old, the size and color are different from the bricks made at present time. So
       we need to remake similar ones for renovation.


 Q7: What was the difference between modern constructing method and the
        method at that time?
 A7: Nowadays, we seldom use bricks to build the house. Bricks are mostly use for
      decorating the surface of buildings, not for supporting the structures.


 Q8: How do we incorporate modern needs to the original characters of
       the building?
 A8: Most of the red buildings are used for classrooms, so we want to preserve that.
       When you walk on the hallways, you could feel the different angles of sun
       lights shining on you. That creates a wonderful atmosphere.


 Q9: Is there any special thing that impresses you the most during renovation?
       (Shih- Kai)
 A9: This building has beautiful arches on the hallway. All the arches are connected
       with each other. This structure is quite rare for Taiwanese architectures.


 Q10: What do you expect the red building to be like after the renovation is
 A10: After the renovation, it would accumulate lots of memories for me, and we
        could experience the atmosphere in the space and building. For Rixin Primary
        School, this is a very important cultural asset. I would love to see it continue
        creating memories with all the students.



 Q11: Do you like being an architect? What are the capabilities needed for an
         architect to acquire?
(Han- Fu)
 A11: Itˇ¦s an interesting job to build a building and have it erected for a century.
        We try to understand the background of the architectures in each era and add
        new ideas and concepts into them. Through lots of hard work communicating
        with many different people, we build up a building from the sketch on paper
        into a building standing in front of you. That is an exciting process.
        The requirement for an architect is to learn to appreciate things, environment
        and art, also to acquire abundant knowledge.


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[Stories of Zhongshan North Road] [Stories of Jiancheng Circle] [Fellowship of time-traveling cool kids]

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