Red building and I 
Interview with principal 
Interview with Want Taiwan1 
Interview with Want Taiwan2 
Interview with Want Taiwan3 
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Interview with our principal

  For figuring our questions, further understanding the reasons for this renovation and its meaning, we arrange the interview with our principal, Mr. Fu-Yuan Chen. After talking with our principal, we understand that we are so lucky to have this red building full of historical meanings. We all have the responsibility to protect and preserve it, and to let our future generation have the chance to grow up in it.

The interview goes as follows:

Interviewee: Our principal, Mr. Fu-Yuan Chen

Date: 2010. 9. 23 (Thu) 12:45~13:30

● Location: Pei-Yu Chen, Pin-Fan Lai, Siang- Li Jhen, Shao-Hua Huang


 1. Why do we preserve the red building and renovate it?

 Q1: Why do we renovate the red building, instead of rebuilding a new

 A1: To rebuild is to tear down the old one and build a new one. To renovate is
      to improve and restore the building back to the way it was. This would
      help preserve the historical buildings.

 Q2: What is the meaning of preserving the red building?
 A2: Because of the historical meaning it carries and the memories carried by
       so many parents, students and alumni, we need to preserve it. Also,
       buildings of this kind of red walls, black tile and white window are very
       rare in Taipei now.

 Q3: What are the characteristics of red buildings?
 A3: When it comes to red buildings, we think of red bricks, gray tiles and
       white window frames. The building itself is really eco-friendly. The double
       hallways provide excellent space for children to study and play. The height
       of floor is quite high, allowing the wind to flow freely and cool down the
       house. Its structure is also very durable to earthquakes. These are the
       reasons we want to protect this building.


  2. What is the renovating plan?

 Q4: What is the renovating plan?
 A4: For the renovation, the first thing we need to pay attention is that it’s a
       building of 94 years old. During the past, for the reasons of adding new
       equipments, such as TVs, CCTVs, monitors, telephones, there had been
       lots of wires and plumping outside and inside the whole building. Our goal
       is to eliminate these wires in order to give back a clean appearance to the
       red building, and also to make some reinforcement works to make it

 Q5: How do we keep its original characteristics while making renovation?
 A5: In this renovation, we try to maintain its original appearance and fix some
       damaged parts back to the way it used to be. At the same time, we try to
       hide all the wires and plumping so that it wouldn’t make the red building
       look chaotic. And we also consider the best solution for the materials
       used in the renovation. 


 Q6: Do you encounter any difficulty during renovation?
 A6: This renovation is many people’s dream. The biggest difficulty is money,
       however. It’s rather costly to renovate an old building than to build a new
       one from scratch. But the essence of renovation is to preserve its
       historical value and meaning. Also, we need to work with excellent
       architect in order to maintain its original style. The purpose of renovation
       is also important.

3. Aid from Want Taiwan Cultural Environment Foundation

 Q7: Why would Want Taiwan Cultural Environment Foundation want to
        help this renovation?

 A7: First of all, the chairman of Want Taiwan is our alumnus. His father and
       all the siblings are also alumni of Rixin. So that he is deeply connected
       with our school. Also, this foundation is devoted to cultural affaires. Also,
       they have long been helping our school improving many facilities, such as
       library, garden and etc. For so many years, they have been helping our
       school. We are really thankful for the help of private organization to
       improve our school facilities.


 Q8: Is there any difficulty regarding the funding support from Want
        Taiwan Foundation?

 A8: It goes quite well actually. I am so touched the Mr. Tsai’s family being so
       supportive of this project. Also because we are public school, the
       procedure of donation needs to be approved by city government. In the
       process, we receive many help from many people. We are thankful for all
       of them.

4. Red building in the future

 Q9: Regarding the red building, what do we expect to see in the future?
 A9: Of course, we want to see it return to the original appearance, with the
       red walls, gray tile and arched hallways. We hope in the future, it’s not
       only a place for children to study, but also a place for citizens to enjoy
       and learn to care about Taiwanese historical buildings. This will become a
       very important and valuable asset for all of us.


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[Stories of Zhongshan North Road] [Stories of Jiancheng Circle] [Fellowship of time-traveling cool kids]

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