Far-reaching world of broadcasting
The Broadcasting Corporation of China(BBC)

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Project Information

Project Overview

Project Elements

Levels of Contribution

Team Name:  WunDe Broadcasting Explore Team

Project Title:  Far-reaching world of broadcasting The Broadcasting Corporation of China

Category: 3. Businesses and Organizations

Links to Submission: Taiwan Schools Cyberfair,  WunDe Elementary School  

URL: http://librarywork.taiwanschoolnet.org/gsh2009/gsh5669/index.htm

Bibliography: http://librarywork.taiwanschoolnet.org/gsh2009/gsh5669/bibliography.html

Homepage of  Participating School : http://www.wdes.chc.edu.tw/

Finish Date: March 20, 2009

Participating School:  WunDe Elementary School of  Chang-hua County

Location:  Fen-yuen Township ,  Chang-hua County

Advisors: Hsun-te Cho, Pao-chia Wu, Wei-chin Chang

Number of Participating Students: 10 students participated in planning and sharing the work.

Age of Students:10-12 years old

Contact Email: winner1210@gmail.com

Visitation of Broadcasting Museum
Visitation of Broadcasting Museum

Interview of the most popular broadcast personality on BCC - Ms. Mei-ren Yu
Interview with host Mei-ren Yu

Visited BCC’s HQ in Taipei
Visited BCC’s HQ in Taipei

Category: 3. Businesses and Organizations

Description of Our Community

        Wun De Elementary School, located in Dachu Community,Fengyuan Township,Changhua County, is situated on Bagua Plateau, at an altitude of 360 m, which is the highest tribal settlement in the entire county. Due to its high altitude, many TV and broadcast companies have set up transmitting sites in this area to enhance the reception quality. We would pass by TTV central transmitting site and BCC Fenyuang Radio Room on our way to school. The south of Dachu Village , which is near the county boundary, is where the central transmitting sites of CTV and CTS locate.   

        About a decade ago, BCC started a Better Community Plan, which has greatly improved the local community environment and provided scholarships to nearby schools. Near the BCC Central Transmitting Site, Wun De Elementary School has enjoyed much of BCC’s help. The top 3 students in every class could be awarded with scholarships every semester, which has encouraged our students to work hard. The senior managers of BCC would also participate in local or campus activities whenever there is one; moreover, BCC granted a land for the construction of the Little Genie Park in the south-west side of our campus. The contributions of BCC have been deeply appreciated.  

BCC Chuanghua Fengyuan Station is just on the other side of the wall of Wun De Elementary School
BCC Chuanghua Fengyuan Station is just on the other side of the wall of Wun De Elementary School

WunDe Broadcasting Explore Team exploring Fengyuan Station antenna facility.
WunDe Broadcasting Explore Team exploring Fengyuan Station antenna facility.

Broadcast main control room system
Broadcast main control room system

Summary of Our Project :

        Far-reaching world of broadcasting “The Broadcasting Corporation of China” is our project theme. Through field visits, interviews with the hosts, and various activities organized by BCC, we aim to gain a further understanding of the history, framework, contributions, changes, and reforms of “BCC”, which was established in 1992. Through BCC’s channels, such as i Like radio, News Network, i Radio,Formosa Network, Country Network, Oversea Network, and Hakka Network, we come to understand the influences of BCC on the cultural communication and people’s life, as well as its past and present as the No. 1 radio station in Taiwan.

        To conduct a profound research, WunDe Broadcasting Explore Team started from BCC Fenyuang Radio Room next to the campus, visited the National Radio Museum in MingHsiung,Chiai, BCC Taichung, and BCC’s Taipei Headquarters, and even participated in the “Little Broadcast Journalist Camp”. BCC has played a crucial role in the society, made significant contributions and served the function of creating a better society as it provides the public with information on entertainment, knowledge, governmental policies and campaigns. How will BCC respond to the rise of TV, computers and mobile phones? How can BCC create a breakthrough and become popular again? These are all the topics that WunDe Broadcasting Explore Team will discuss in this project.  


After the 921 Earthquake, BCC reporters were the first ones on the scene.

BCC’ s HQ in  New Park period
BCC’ s HQ in  New Park period

On September 17, 2001, Hurricane Nari severely damaged Taipei City . Songjiang Building  was flooded and the power went out. BCC used its own generator for lighting and broadcasting to continue to bring the news about the damage.
On September 17, 2001, Hurricane Nari severely damaged Taipei City . Songjiang Building  was flooded and the power went out. BCC used its own generator for lighting and broadcasting to continue to bring the news about the damage.

Taipei HQ transmission system using microwave to broadcast
Taipei HQ transmission system using microwave to broadcast

Our network environment:

        There are two bidirectional broadbandlines of 2M optical fiber powered by Hinet which link to academic network and the outlying school respectively.

School network: there is a computer classroom where there are twenty computers inside for student use in our school. All the computers in our school are online, which enables us to discuss, look for, and print out data and documents online. Every staff in our school is equipped with a laptop and everyone is capable of operating basic computer techniques and editing webpages.

Personal network at home: our school is located in the suburbs of Changhua County, hence we lack information resources. Only some of the members have personal computers at home and only few of them can connect the ADSL internet. Therefore, most work is done at school.

Campus wireless network: the campus wireless network in our school makes it possible for students to search for relevant information freely through their PDA or laptops.

The well equipped computer classroom
The well equipped computer

Unbounded digital environment- wireless broadband campus
Unbounded digital environment- wireless broadband campus

The well equipped computer classroom

Problems We Had To Overcome :

         The major problem we faced in this project is the enormous amount of information, due to the following reasons:

1)BCC is the largest and oldest broadcasting corporation in Taiwan. Many information and stories of them deserve to be revealed and told.

2)It is a tough challenge to guide the readers to understand relevant knowledge of broadcast for that the knowledge about it is extremely abundant and professional.

3) Although our school is an outlying school and is relatively deficient in resources, the members of Wun De Broadcasting Explore Team are energetic and aggressive in learning and researches. We visited the Taiwan Broadcasting Station of BCC in Taichung, attended the Little Broadcast Journalist Camp, visited the National Radio Museum in Minghsiung, Chiayi County, toured all the broadcasting frequency channels of BCC in Taipei headquarters, interviewed the famous broadcasting host, Mei-ren Yu, and visited the BBC Changhua Fenyuan Radio Room which has been the neighbor of Wun De Elementary School for 36 years. It is really hard to present faithfully such diversified activities of visiting and learning.

          In order to present our results comprehensively to the readers, all kinds of problems that we have faced must be solved and overcome. The table below indicates the problems that our team has faced and our solutions to them:



The information about BCC is so massive that it is hard to choose and edit the contents.

1. Trying to present the contents of BCC by illustrations and brief introductions so that readers can know BCC in the simplest way.

2. Dividing the history of BCC into four periods in accordance with where the head office is located to introduce the development of BCC.

The relevant knowledge of broadcast is so abundant and professional that readers can not understand it easily.

1. Consulting the contents from the books published by Communication Society (edited by BCC) to introduce broadcasting knowledge.

2. Presenting the common senses of broadcasting by Q & A illustrations so that readers can understand it more easily.1.

It is hard to present faithfully the diversified activities of learning and visiting in BCC.

1. Putting emphasis on the digital images and illustrations of the visiting and learning activities that students have participated and attaching students’ learning feedback along.

2. Presenting faithfully the interviews with the chief of Taiwan Broadcasting Station, Chen-chin, Chen, and the famous broadcasting host, Mei-ren, Yu. Recording precisely their opinions and experiences.

Our school is located in the suburbs, hence is relatively lacking in information resources.

1. The school tries to provide a complete environment of information.

2. Seeking for resources from colleges (e.g. the computer and information networking center of National Chi Nan University)

3. Requesting BCC sincerely for providing all kinds of information assistance.

Our Project Sound Bite :

         The BCC Fenyuan Radio Room has been the neighbor of Wun De Elementary School for many years. It stretches along from Yuanlin Township, the foot of Tsaotun Mountain, to the highway of Changhua County. The red alternating with white tall towers of the Generator mark the position of it and it seems that the students in Wun De Elementary School can touch the amplitude of it simply by stretching their hands out of the windows. In the end of each semester, the top three students in every class will be awarded with scholarships from BCC. BCC has awarded these scholarships to our school for many years, which has encouraged our students to work hard. As a result of this, our interests in exploring BCC have been aroused.

          In the visiting processes, we have gained the knowledge which is not taught in class and some of us have even fallen in love with broadcasting. Among our members, some wish to be broadcasting hosts and some wish to be journalists in the future, which we could not imagine at first. When interviewing the famous host, Mei-ren Yu, we were impressed by her humor, genuineness, and friendly talking. She told us, “Experiences are very important. One can gain precious experiences in each kind of work and one will definitely make use of them in the future.” We will keep her valuable words in mind and no matter what we will do in the future we will fulfill it responsibly and earnestly. The interview with her is our most valuable visiting experience.

Interview with host Mei-ren Yu
Interview with host Mei-ren Yu

Radio program topic - People are brought together if they are so fated
Radio program topic - People are brought together if they are so fated

Radio program topic – features of Wun De Elementary School
Radio program topic – features of Wun De Elementary School

How did your activities and research for this Cyberfair Project support standards, required coursework and curriculum standards?

The faculty experience radio program production
The faculty experience radio program production 

Host Chieh-mei Long-First Recording Room
Host Chieh-mei Long-First Recording Room 

Students using mini-laptop to type report
Students using mini-laptop to type report  

Conforming to the aims and purposes of “Cyberfair”

1. The expertise of the teacher

       Participating in this project helps the teachers of our team to form a small scale organization of learning. Our teachers have contributed their expertise in our activities through discussing with students and coordinating the teaching of other fields. We have also acquainted ourselves with the course and techniques of this project to improve our professional knowledge and skills for engaging in relevant researches in the future. Meanwhile, when probing into this project, our teachers’ personal professional impressions and senses of responsibility has been revealed and we also have achieved our goal that the teachers and the students can profit from each other in this mutual research.

2. The learning of the students

     With the reform of Grade 1-9 curriculum, the education in Taiwan focuses on cultivating the ability to integrate and apply each subject. In the research process, students have reinforced their ability of integration and application, and applied it to editing webpages. The learning effects from this project will help them enhancing their interests in independent leaning in the future.

3. Concrete learning effects are indicated as follows:

Subject fields

Learning effects

Social science

1. To perceive the true meaning of mass media.

2. To understand the history and operation of a corporation.

3. To visit and to interview actually.

4. To develop the information resources from relevant experts outside the campus.

5. To develop the ability of cooperative learning.

Natural science &
life technology

1. To observe, discuss, and record.

2. To edit webpages.

3. To develop ability of deducing, comprehending, and analyzing.

4. To communicate with peers and to share the fun of activities.

Language (Chinese)

1. To integrate the ability of listening, speaking, collecting, reading, and writing.

2. To apply digital technology flexibly, to integrate the information contents of language, and to report precisely.

3. To increase the ability of active expression.

4. To discuss the reading contents with peers and to share what they have learnt.

Health &
physical education

1. To perceive the comforts and contributions that technology has brought to people’s psychological health.

2. To visit, to explore and have physical training, and to increase both physical and psychological health.

Art & Culture

1. To appreciate the beauty of the combination of technology and culture.

2. To appreciate the different forms of art expressions.

Ten major basic abilities

Students have naturally applied the ten major basic abilities to the entire processes of this research project and webpage editing, and they have improved a lot.


What information tools & technologies did you used to complete your Cyberfair project?

Theassistance from digital information technology

The basic equipped laptops for research team use

The basic equipped laptops for research team use

1. The number of simple equipped laptops: 3

2. Students have made use of the convenient portability of basic equipped laptops in visiting activities to discuss and record what they have learnt immediately and the learning effects have been retained faithfully right away.

3. Using the laptops in our school can connect to the wireless internet by making use of the   3.5 G  wireless network cards distributed from county government. Students can look for data online and send emails anytime, anywhere.

The well equipped computer classroom

The well equipped computer classroom

The equipments in the computer classroom:

1.Desktop computers which can connect to optical fiber internet.

2.Digital graphics boards.

3.Educational video equipments.

4.Wireless internet equipments.

Multimedia e-classroom

Multimedia E-classroom

The equipments in the e-classroom:

1.Laptops which can connect to wireless internet.

2.Digital graphics boards.

3.Multimedia educational projector and video equipments.

4.Wireless internet equipments.

5.Electronic white-board wireless pointer.

6.Wireless projector and video system.

Unbounded digital environment-
wireless broadband campus

Unbounded digital environment-wireless broadband campus

The introduction of our wireless broadband campus environment:

1.The number of wireless routers: 5

2.The average distance of each wireless router is around 50 meters and three routers alone can completely cover the distance of all the classrooms and outdoor environment in our school.

3.The laptops in our school can connect to wireless broadband internet.


In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your Cyberfair project both on-line and in person.

The “role of an ambassador” that Wun De Broadcasting Explore Team plays

        All the members of Wun De Broadcasting Explore Team have shown up in each visiting activity and we would have discussed about and planned the procedures of the activity and have communicated with BCC and National Radio Museum about the subjects and topics of the interviews. We would have offered formal official documents in accordance with their requests for the convenience of prearrangement and assistance.

        Students in our school tend to say, “Why not bring us to understand BCC and broadcast?” We have not only investigated the topics of this research but also have figured out the miniature and framework of the research through the usage of several verbs, such as “bring” and “to understand.” We have looked for “the introduction of broadcasting theories” online under the instruction and have further found the existence of National Radio Museum in MingHsiung, Chiayi County, which is rich in broadcasting information and cultural relics. Meanwhile, we have also focused on the BCC Taiwan Broadcasting Station in Taichung and the Taipei headquarters of BCC in this project.

         With our diversified collections of broadcasting information, presentations of the records and archives of historical documents in BCC, visits of BCC Taiwan Broadcasting Station and National Radio Museum in MingHsiung, Chiayi County, participation in Little Broadcasting Journalist Camp, visiting each channel in BCC Taipei headquarters and interviewing the famous broadcasting host, Mei-ren Yu, and the tour of “BCC Changhua Fenyuan Radio Room,” we have made our efforts to present the most colorful broadcasting world to readers as the role of an ambassador.

Students visiting live at i Like Radio broadcast
Students visiting live at i Like Radio broadcast

Chart of the area covered by the waves transmitted by Radio Taiwan International  at Minhsiung
Chart of the area covered by the waves transmitted by Radio Taiwan International  at Minhsiung

Director Chen introduces MD disc
Director Chen introduces MD disc

What has been the impact of your project on your community?

The influences and impacts

       The development of an industry may bring prosperity to local development but it may bring some negative effects as well. Therefore, the most important work to a corporation is to develop and share its business with the locals to avoid the protests of them, especially with current rise of sense of environmental protection. We have faithfully reported the contributions and feedback that BCC has made, especially in the earthquake when TV channels failed to send messages and the broadcasting stations elaborated their best functions, helped save a lot of life, and facilitated the work of rescue.

       BCC has been the spiritual food of people in Taiwan as early as the time when televisions were not popular. People were used to listening to the radio and working at the same time. Although televisions can be seen everywhere now, the convenience of listening to the radio and the portability of walkmans can still not be replaced by televisions.

        BCC hasbeen in existence for 81 years since its establishment in Nanjing, Tingchiachiao in Mainland China in 1928 to current digital BCC headquarters on Sungchiang Road in Taipei operated by a corporation in 2009. It has always been the leading trend and is still being transformed and reformed by future thoughts. The transformation from frequency channels of AM/FM to digital audio broadcasting (DAB) and online broadcasting in 21st century, the spirit of constant innovations in BCC is the best demonstration for corporations.

The beautiful  Fairy Garden and BCC FM transmission tower

The beautiful  Fairy Garden and BCC FM transmission tower

The memory and view of BCC from the locals– an interview
The memory and view of BCC from the locals– an interview

Interviewing the former President of PTA, Mr. Lian-shu Hsu
Interviewing the former President of PTA, Mr. Lian-shu Hsu


Intellectual property rights

         The information introduced in this website is most investigated and recorded by our team members. However, some academic literature reviews and pictures are from books published by BCC or the BCC official website.

         To value the intellectual property rights, the information resources are listed in each webpage and there is an overall arrangement of literature reviews in the webpage of citations. All the information cited from BCC will be authorized by BCC with our formal official documents to provide students with the right attitude towards protecting intellectual property rights.




Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises (Optional)

The satellite antenna and the microwave transmission system at  Songjiang Road  are responsible for the program transmission for the primary 11 transmission bases (including Jinmen Station).
The satellite antenna and the microwave transmission system at  Songjiang Road   

Radio program topic - our specialty products(chinese)
Hosts -Ting-wei, Jun-hsian

Attitude of a good host
Attitude of a good host 

         Were it not for CyberFair, the students in our school might never investigate anything about broadcast throughout their life. Even the nearest BCC Fenyuan Radio Room seemed so strange to us before. After participating in the activities of interviews, visiting, keeping records, writing reports, and being broadcasting journalists, the students are more acquainted with the broadcasting world. Just like what our principal, Jui-ju Chang, said, “These activities are the most valuable and beautiful memories to our students.”

         With such hopes and aims, Wun De Broadcasting Explore Team will continue to investigate and look for other  discoveries, lessons, and surprises.

         Discoveries (the combination of “teaching anduniting”) are in the interactions between teachers and students of determining the framework of research topics and the procedures of exploration.

         The surprise is that to look for the research topic is not as hard as what we had imagined. The direction of this work was gradually formed by the participation, talking, constant clarification, and the summarization from the students.

        The best lesson and inspiration we have learnt is that: knowledge is left everywhere and can be found as long as one pays attention to it and the exploration is full of hopes when someone starts to lead for that well begun is half done.



Items of work



Ya-chun Hsu
Ming-ching Hsieh
Hsin-ju Hsu
Ting-wei Hsu 
Jung-chen Liu
Tzu-yi Lin
Chun-hsien Hsu
Wei-wen Hsu
Ching-yu Hsu
Hung-yu Hsu

1. Interviewed subjects or relevant people.

2. Photography

3. Recorded the contents of interviews

4. Edited data in written form.

5. Drafted the outlines of interviews

6. Filled in progress reports

7. Collected data



Hsun-te Cho

Pao-chia Wu

Wei-chin Chang

 1.Held team meetings

2.Analyzed the project data

3.Instructed and surveyed the project webpages

4.Drafted the name and plan of the project

5.Assisted in computer techniques


Parent volunteers:

Pao-chien Tseng

Ta-sheng Lin

Chun-ling Hsiao

1. Contacted interview subjects

2. Served as the consulters of the plan

3. Assisted in providing transportation tool for visiting

4. Instructed students in writing their reflections


Advisors of BCC

Chen-chin Chen (Chief)

Cheng-chieh Chang (Section chief)

Chieh-mei Lung (Anchor)

Yu-chi Han (Anchor)

Mei-ren Yu (Broadcasting host)

Meng-yen Lu

Yu-Chen Yang (Chief)

1. Provided information in written and digital forms

2. Trained the Wun De Broadcasting Explore Team in Little Broadcasting Journalist Camp.

3. Held seminars that increase teachers’ knowledge of broadcasting media.

4. Introduced and explained relevant history and work of BCC

5. Taught basic knowledge of broadcast and the producing procedures of broadcasts.

6. Assisted the team in recoding the broadcasts


Professional assistance:

The Computer Center of National Chi Nan University

Cheng-hsin Hung (Chairman)

Wei-hsuan Tso (Chief)

Sheng-hao Hung (Chief)

Ming-chuan Tsai

Chien-ying Lai

1. Assisted in producing webpages and providing consultations

2. Designed Flash program and providing consultations

3. Video and audio processing of webpages
