Interviewed Precinct Chiefs 

Interviewee: Mr. Hsu, Hsin Rong, Xingfu Precinct Chief

 Environmental Development

About 200 years ago, four big families, Kao, Hsu, Su and Lin, emigrated here from mainland China. All of them were farmers. At that time, Xingfu was all farmlands with about 40 to 50 houses only. So, Ching Shin Elementary school used to be a farmland, too.

Started with the four big families, this precinct had become a residential area with a big population. It used to be two precincts at the 2nd section of Xinglong Road. Due to population growth, it increased to be 10 precincts.

 Population Change

Xingfu Precinct has 25 hectares with a population of 6,876 people, including 3,382 males and 3,494 females. It has 2,098 households in 23 neighborhoods.

In Ching Dynasty, Xingfu belonged to Wu-Li tribe. After revolution, it became a part of Shenkeng Township’s administrative area in Taipei County. In 1950, it was changed to be governed by Jingmei Township. Due to district change, Xingfu was changed to be governed by Taipei City after 1968.

 Xingfu Precinct is a residential and educational area. It provides a very nice living environment that does not have any factories. Residents usually gather at Zushi Temple or Xingfu Park for socializing. The precinct also offers residents many classes, such as Yoga, calligraphy, and Chinese musical instruments.

Unique Architecture

Xingfu Coffee Lane which is the 22nd lane of Xingfu Road is the first coffee lane in Taipei City. It was paved with asphalt concrete, now changed to be granite. When you walk down to the end of Xingfu Coffee Lane, you will see the entrance to Zushi Temple. Tables and chairs are scattered over the Lane that creates a romantic aroma. Precinct office offers coffee and also promotes that seniors with age over 65 can have coffee for free.

However, residents usually park their cars along the sides of coffee lane. Moreover, this place has not yet been opened to private businesses. So, once the repair of Xingfu Park is completed, all of these tables and chairs will be moved to the park. By do so, parking issue can be resolved and people can enjoy their coffee in the shade of trees.


The vision for Xingfu Precinct is to build a 100-ping community center. The center will have 50 computers for residents to surf on the Internet. Besides, it will recruit volunteers from Chengchi University and Shixin University. Babysitting service will be free only for the residents. By do so, kids can study and play in the center while waiting for their parents to pick them up.

Our Thoughts

Precint Chief Hsu Shinron concerns about the issues of environment protection and tourism. He usually goes mountain hiking within Taipei area. When he reached the top of the mountains, he found that many mountains were pitted because of house construction. He felt very sorry that not only the beauty of these mountains is ruined, but also the ecological environment is destroyed. Hsu said, “The surface of mountains is as ugly as a man’s head with skin problem”.

 Taipei people could take a ferry from Tanshui to Muzha along Jingmei River during Japanese colonial period, according to Chief Hsu. Nowadays, however, people can not do this anymore because the river has too much silt. It would be more wonderful if people could take ferries again to see the scenery along the river. So Chief Hsu recommended that the government should study how to take advantage of local resources to build up its economy so as to prosper local economy and benefit the next generations.

Chief of Jingxing Precinct Chief of Jingdong Precinct Chief of Xingfu Precinct


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