Smart power equalization is shown in the arrangement  

In Amis tradition, man may marry into and live with wife's family, the children will take their mother's name, the property inheritance right is controlled by the female, and this is a typical maternal society. It is interesting that on the other hand, all the public affairs are charged by the male, they live in the unit of a tribe and the sacrifice activities are dominated by the male, however the female is not excluded from the activity, but they only play the foiling role, this concept has slickly balanced the authority among both sexes, and also helps them to enjoy the satisfaction in different areas.

Preparatory work

In Jiali tribe, the adult male will be entered into the age class system, each class has its own leader, and they are called "monitor," "monitor" has to be responsible for organizing, mobilizing  and arranging the harvest festival. In the past agriculture season, when the millet is stored in the warehouse, tribespeople have begun to prepare to celebrate harvest. for lots of meat and sticky rice sticky rice are needed, so male have begun to go hunting or fishing before the festival, while the female are busy preparing for weaving clothing, sticky rice and wine.

Work classing

In Amis society, they respect the old and the worthy, respect for seniority, therefore they value unity and experience transmission in the preparation of harvest festival, the following table has listed the preparation work that each class has to do before harvest festival.

                                     Class the main tasks for harvest festival
《The elder》
The aides and staff for the chief
Include the chief, older, the respectful old, in charge of the preparatory, decision and issuing orders. The aides and staff are usually set in the tribe to execute the communication with the local government, they are essential in the tribe.

《The middle age》
The elders for male group
The oldest one of the current male group, in charge of the pass down of experiences, and educate the youth.

《The youth 》
In charge of the hunting, labor and going on errands
Woman and children
Weaving clothes, prepare for the food, sticky rice and vintage.



With the rights and duty assigned by the state, bailiff, mayor of the village, heads of Boroughs & Neighborhoods as well as local esquires have replaced the position of monitors, therefore preparatory meeting of harvest festival is usually the meeting for the local political, economic, religious and cultural headman. 
In Jiali Village harvest festival, the preparatory meeting is composed of chief, local elder, bailiff, mayor of the village and village secretary.






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