The harvest festival known by us is called ilisin by Jiali Village, in different Amis tribes; ilisin has different names and different implications



Lives in taboo, must observe taboo and live modestly .

In ilisin, the "i" in Amis language means "in" and "lisin" means "taboo." Therefore "ilisin" means "live in taboo," this means that during the ritual period, the villagers have to follow rites and taboos. They cannot live a luxury life after the harvest and they must urge themselves on living modestly.


Become the past, express gratitude, celebrate and reflect on the past .

Malalikit is the commonly used name by north Amis. "mala-" means "become," "likit" originally refers to "running water," "elapse" and "past." Therefore "malalikit" means "make it become the running water." The elaborated meaning refers to their concept of time: "make it become the past," this represents the acknowledgement and hope in Amis' heart; they have used "malalikit" to express their thanks, joyancy and meditate on the past.



 With focus on unity.

Malikuda is the proper name of north Amis for harvest festival in east coast. It refers to the harvest festival form of many men forming a circle to sing and dance, it represents that the harvest festival values unit.


Family takes the central position.

Kiluma'an is the habitual name for harvest festival of south Amis. "luma’” refers to "home," "tribespeople"; "-an" refers to "of"; while "ki-" means "become" and "may", therefore " kiluma'an" means "may be a family" or "become a family." This refers to that the harvest festival of Amis is stretched out of "family" and "tribespeople," this shows that Amis emphasizes the family, which is extended to the tribe.



Highly hanged moon zukimisai .

It is the Japanese name; it is the habitual name of Amis in Hualien County under Japanese governing. Hualien County holds harvest festival when the moon hangs highly; therefore it has got this name.

Siukakusai is also Japanese, it is commonly used in Taitung County under Japanese governing. It is the name for harvest festival which emphasizes on the harvest of rice.


Harvest festival

It is the mandarin name and the conventional name for 50 years, just as its name implies, it represents the ritual ceremony to give thanks after each harvest.




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