Alikakay--Alikakay story    

We live in Jiali Village, which is right at the foot of Meilun MtThe origin of Amis harvest festival that passes down from the old generation .

[Alikakay tale]
Illustrated by: Chian-chian Hsu, Wei-jun Liu, Yen-ting Wu.

Long long ago, the tall monsters who are good at camouflage and wizardry have come down from Meilun Mt., they call themselves as "Alikakay." Alikakay have strange appearances: cat’s eye like eyeball, white skin, long hair which has spreaded to the navel, thick hand and toe feather, they are idle all day long and scattered in Meilun Mt.

Since the arrival of Alikakay, series of tragedies happened to the always peaceful Amis: the infants have been eaten, the stuff were stolen, and the crops were damaged, and fires broke out without reasons, someone pretended as the husband to rape the wife, etc. Later the tribespeople found out that all the evil things are done by "Alikakay."

Thena chief called Marang has summoned all the youth of Amis and he divided the troop into southern and northern part to siege "Alikakay." But the crusade against "Alikakay" did not go on smoothly, the tribespeople met great casualties, while "Alikakay" was not hurt at all.


  One day Marang chief was sleeping, he dreamed that the Nereus Kafit has appeared from the sea, Kafit told Marang: "Alikakay" were not human beings; they were monsters and cannot be killed by human weapon! They must make alfa to porong to shoot "Alikakay" if they want to completely destroy them.


And then, the chief Marang made porong according to the Nereus' word, and worshipped him before the campaign, they offered sacrifice to their ancestors to the south, and offer sacrifice to the numen Malatao and then he took his army to fight against monster "Alikakay."


When Alikakay saw that the Marang had brough along poron, they fell on knees and asked for forgiveness, Marang is very kind, and did not kill "Alikakay" and he said that:"you may go, but please do not come back."
To express their thanks to Marang, "Alikakay" said that, "thanks for your mercy, to compensate your kindness, each year please come to the seaside or riverside to offer us pinang, drinking, three pieces of glutinous rice cakes and porong on today, we may bless that you may have millet harvest each year, and you could also have a good harvest of fish and shrimp."


From then on, "Alikakay" does not show up in the tribe, each year a great deal of fish and shrimps may come to the river or sea for the Amis to catch since June of every year, they also have a big harvest of crops. This is the reason that the Amis may hold harvest festival and catch fish each year since June.






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