Trigram window with bamboo bars


trigram shape of the window
trigram shape of the window

We Chinese look up upon four plants as symbols of a refined gentleman -- plum blossoms, orchids, bamboo, and the chrysanthemum. This window has five bars and six interstices, and both of these numbers are meaningful to us because we associate even numbers with the yin principle and odd numbers with the yang. So the number of bars and interstices in the window signifies a balance between the yin and the yang, and complements the trigram shape of the window frame very nicely. The triangular spaces in each of the four corners of the window are carved with butterflies, which symbolize good fortune and long life.

Did you ever imagine there was could be much symbolism in one little window?!

                                                                              •Written by Ivy and photographed by Chui-Hiu

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