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  Ting-Yi Huang Chen-Yeh Chou Chia-Hsin Wu Yu-Long Chen
Companion from ex-members

Time for stricking|from former member, Ting-Yi Huang

 "Ding, ding, dong, dong-La Do Re Re —" It is an unforgettable memory that I recalled the happy time of Children Orchestra led by Ms. Liu.  Because of her encouragement, I took the first step for my beloved music from that moment.
  When I stepped into the practice room, many musical instruments were everywhere on the floor and the air didn't smell good.  Those musical instruments made terrible sounds when we played them.  It was so horrible when we played together at the very beginning. A piece of music with lively melody was executed badly by us who were not good at then. The main melody was depended on Soprano Accordion which needed the skill of playing the piano and the agile fingers. There was a member who really convinced me of his sustaining practice after teacher's instruction and of his performing the well result of practice right at the next day. He, Liao Yen-Ming, was the concertmaster for sure.
  We went to Changhua County Music Competition but lost without knowing the reason when I was sixth grader. We gathered in the practice room, Ms. Liu comforted  all the members one by one. Without saying a word, Ms. Liu and I embraced each other and cried.

  I truly missed the time of group practicing. Younger schoolmates were also the people who I could learn from. I had graduated from Ping He Elementary school, but I would always remember the one who kept supporting, encouraging and letting me practice the piano in her classroom. Thank You, Ms. Liu!
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