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Introduction of the Music Pieces

  Folk Song Suite The Phantom of the Opera Pirates of the Carribean Scent of a Woman
Introduction of the Music PiecesThe Phantom of the Opera
Picture: Courtesy of Polygram

"The Phantom of the Opera" is a musical composed by Andrew Llyod Webber. The song was origianlly made for the orchestra, but since Ms. Liu loves the song so much, she rearranged it so that it could be played by the Children Orchestra as the elective song in the National Students Music Competition this year. The story of "The Phantom of the Opera" is a musical with a vivid story. The rearranged version has the soprano accordion play different roles such as the high pitch of Christine, the deep proclamation of Raoul's love, and sometimes the soul figure of the story, Phantom, The sorrow murmur of the phantom is displayed by the first accordion, who is mature in the musical skills to perform the feelings and expression of the music. The solo of the tenor accordion, along with the solo of the soprano accordion, elaborates the exquisite emotion. The drum set players fuel the timely energy of the music, amusing the audience. The dramatic final, added with timpani, make people's goose bump. The coordination by the four parts of the accordions makes people trembling with fear.

  Some considerations were needed due to the different between rhythm band instruments and orchestra instruments. To preserve the effect of the original musical, many parts of the song were rearranged again and again, even two weeks before the contest. The harmony effect was even added to perfect the music piece. Ultimately, our song touched the judges and was praised by the audience in the Christmas concert.

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