Community Groups and Special Populations


Our ''local communities''explain:
¡@¡@Our subject is focus on Kaohsiung Huashan foundation, but we also used the information from their official website to add it.

¡@¡@Cianjhen's version has three kinds. First is Zheng Chenggong went to Luerhmen's Cianjhen troop to  name. Second, in order to explain Zheng Chenggong defended to Westerners invade again, so they made the Orang Kong outpost, and Yamen at Caoya, and Cianjhen means that the place which in the front of Caoya's town camp.


Our research project summary:
¡@¡@Huashan Foundation was set up in 1999 .The founder, Mr. Taso uphold a theory ¡§Creatures settle¡¨, this theory means that taking care for old people is more important than people who is a vegetative. Because old people is development, moodiness. The number of people who need help is increasing year by year. They need more investment on them, so Huashan Foundation had set up.


Our Internet:
¡·Our school's Internet
¡@¡@Our school's 100 Mbps dedicated Internet offer us can search the information and upload the pages fastly, and also let us have another Web space to save our info. The teacher made the ID of FTP to every member.
¡·Own Internet
¡@¡@Everyone's houses have Hinet¡BSeedne, so we also can make the Web continue at home


The things we lose out:
The most difficult thing when we were being volunteer in Hua-Shan is meeting old people, we don't know how to chat with them or find some conversation that can make us with no ambassador, after all there's different with what we thinking, so it makes us hard to chat with them.

¡@¡@When we followed the Huashan¡¦s volunteer to go to the elder¡¦s houses to send them rice. At the beginning, we are embarrassed when we were talking to the elder. Almost were the volunteer and granny talking, and we just followed them. When we were going to next granny¡¦s house, we ask the volunteer how to chat with the elder, and she taught us. After, we chat with the old people happily.


¡@¡@ This  is the first touch of special topic about old person's live. From we don't know how to do it, and begin searching information, and went to visit the old people, the process had many  funny things. Although we didn't know what can we talk with them, the volunteer lead us, and also know their family background and lifestyle. And we also found that two of our meat are good friends.

¡@After, we went to the Cianjhen love station to interview the volunteer, and let us understand more things about Huashan foundation, and also know that there are still many people need help, even we have many resource nowadays. And the people who need help aren't all old person at all, they are still some child. Huashan is willing to help everyone need help.

¡@¡@After the interview, we started to use the info to make the pages. Although the process had many problem, the page forming slowly. And when we finished this. We are so happy that we couldn't say anything. We spend much time making this page, so we really learned many things. This us really a good experience!
