Newspapers | Magazines˘xTV Propaganda

Business Weekly˘xSenior High Journal˘x

ˇiSenior High Journalˇj
photed by Environmembers
photed by Environmembers

In early September 2013 , we took it into account that the petitions were only handed out to high school students in Taichung. Thus, we decided to launch an online petition at the same time, so that other people who want to support the petition can also join the festivities. After some considerations and inquiries, we chose an online petition platform named "call the government." Because of this network, a magazine for high school students noticed our actions. Then, they expressed their intention of interviewing our overall course of action .

Our contact with the magazine is mainly through Internet. As for the interview, it is mostly through cell phone. It’s a special experience since we needed to answer all the questions directly with no time to think over the answers. This interview gave us a chance not only to clarify our thoughts but also let us rethink of our main purpose and persistence.

After the interview, we were eagerly looking forward to the next issue of the magazine. When we received the magazine with our report on it, our hearts were filled with tremendous excitement. This is the very first time we were on media. Seeing our huge photos published on the magazine is an incredible feeling. We had never imagined receiving so much public attention. For us, nonetheless, it is another milestone forward for our odyssey.