Interview˘xQuestionnaires ˘xPetition˘xPage


photed by Environmembers
photed by Environmembers

August 10,2013, it was the first time that we handed out the questionnaires designed by ourselves at Yi-Zhong Street. We carried our well-devised papers just like holding a new-born baby in our arms, bearing the heat of the scorching day. We felt extremely anxious but also felt the excitement bumping in our hearts since we had never done this before.

Almost being drowned by the crowd, we were stuck with a dilemma that we didn’t have the courage to ask the passers-by to fill out our questionnaires. After trying a few times, we finally overcame our fear.

In spite of the fact that most people shook their hands and said No to us, we didn’t step back but kept moving forward. However, the depression caused by these obstacles had soon been cast away by the warm-hearted encouragements from some zealous passers-by. Just a few simple words of cheer truly made us forget the toil that we had been through. Although we had only handed out a hundred surveys or so, it was really a huge progress for us.


As the idiom goes, “You reap what you sow.” After having our first experiment, we brought the equipment with us and headed for Yi-Zhong Street in order to send out the questionnaires again.

We found out that most people who were waiting at the bus stop were more pleasant with our interview and even provided us with some precious suggestions. Knowing that they do care about our project and the community, we felt pleased and touched. Although the progress seemed to be tardy, we still kept looking forward to our success.

photed by Environmembers
Ħ@Ħ@As the new semester began, though the six of us didn’t proceed handing out the remaining questionnaires together, we still made good use of time and headed for Yi-Zhong Street so as to interview more people and complete our task respectively. For us, watching the decrease of the remaining questionnaires gave us a sense of achievement. Needless to say, the progress and efforts we had been made gradually strengthened our confidence determination.