School Activity


Expert Speech


Lecturer: Liao, Hui-Yan (Head of Environmental- Control Section, the Ministry of Interior)

Motivation: After interviewing architect Zhang, Qing-Hua , the designer of Beitou Library, we had a better knowledge about the history and the background of the Green Building, which we had never learned from school. Inviting Liao, Hui-Yan to deliver a speech to teachers and students in our school will clarify and intensify the concept of the Green Building. We can learn how to put the concept into practice in our daily lives.

▲A poster for the lecture

▲Everyone was concentrating on the speech ▲Mrs. Liao was doing Q&A section    ▲We welcomed Mrs.Liao at the front gate


In-Class Promotion


Bullet points: What is Green Building? Why do we need Green Buildings? We hope that we can tell the students how important the Green Building is to us through PPT presentations. We can start from the basic part of our lives, that is, saving water and energy. 


▲We were presenting our promotion project to junior students.


Puppet Performance

Besides “I Love Green Building”, Green Miracle also used the story of “Three Little Pigs” to write a skit about Green Buildings, in hopes of telling everyone the advantages of Green Buildings


Story Outline:

Once upon a time, there was a Little Wolf, who used to listen to his grandma telling stories. His favorite story was “Three Little Pigs,” which is about a wolf who helped little pigs build houses. One day, his grandma was sick. Little Wolf’s father told Little Wolf to visit his grandma with a basket of fruits. On his way to grandma’s house, he came across a Sleeping Beauty who likes to listen to stories, so Little Wolf told Sleeping Beauty the story of “Three Little Pigs,” after that, they became good friends. When Little Wolf was looking for his grandpa chopping woods in the mountain, he bumped into a pig, who was collecting straw. Little Wolf was so excited that he asked him whether he was the first little pig, who built a house with straw, but the first little pig told him that he built a Green Building instead of a straw house. Little Wolf got this answer from the second little pig….Who on earth did Little Wolf came across? How did they build Green BuildingsBuildings?


Puppet Performance《Three Little Pigs that you don’t know》

Length: 10 mins

Aim: Our group members are fifth graders. We are trying to help junior students to understand the concept of Green Building through the Puppet Performance, in which they can easily catch the idea of Green Building.

Date: 12/25/2012

Location: Fu Xing Elementary School

Filming tool: Digital cameras

Roles: Bo-En Ma (grandma), Je-EnEn Shieh (the third little pig), Hou-Hua Yang (the second little pig) , Shu-Yun Cheng (Little Wolf), Chi-Han Wang (the first little pig), Yun-Tung Huang (Sleeping Beauty)▲ Our group members introduced the roles we played ▲ We were discussing the script enthusiastically. ▲Shu-Yun was concentrating on her work

▲ Je-En En and Hou-Hua were drawing happily. ▲ Rehearsing “Three Little Pigs”  ▲ Bo- En was memorizing the script

▲The junior students burst out laughing, and they understood the importance of Green Building after the performance.

Picture Book



During the process of researching Green Building project, we could hardly find books that were suitable for younger children. Therefore, Green Miracle decided to create a picture book, in which we painted the story “Three Little Pigs that You Don’t Know,” but we changed a few plots. A story with pictures can help them get the idea quickly. Finally, a picture e-book was created.


Story Outline:

Once upon a time, there was a Little Wolf, who used to listen to his grandma telling stories. His favorite story was “Three Little Pigs,” which is about a wolf who helped little pigs build houses. One day, his grandma was sick. Little Wolf’s father told Little Wolf to visit his grandma with a basket of fruits. On his way to grandma’s house, he came across a Sleeping Beauty who likes to listen to stories, so Little Wolf told Sleeping Beauty the story of “Three Little Pigs,” after that, they became good friends.

When Little Wolf was looking for his grandpa chopping woods in the mountain, he bumped into a pig , who was collecting straw. Little Wolf was so excited that he asked him whether he was the first little pig, who built a house with straw, but the first little pig told him that he built a green Green house Building instead of a straw house. Little Wolf got this answer from the second little pig….Who on earth did Little Wolf came across? How did they build green housesGreen BuildingsBuildings?


Painting: Je-EnEn Shieh, Shu-Yun Cheng, Hou-Hua Yang, Yun-Tung Huang

Art Editor: Bo-En Ma


《Three Little Pigs That You Don’t Know》E-book


“Breathing Green Houses” models

Following the principle of EEWH: Ecology, Energy saving, Waste reduction and Health, we used our imagination to design “Breathing Green Buildings” with trashed materials and recycled waste.

Models gallery (link with a new website)

▲Chi-Han’s work ▲Howard’s work ▲Yun –Tung’s work ▲ Jer-An’s work ▲ Shu Yun’s work

▲ Building“Breathing Green Buildings” ▲The big chair was made of McDonald’s fries boxes   ▲ Green roof

▲Making a computer sign for Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction ▲Building the roof ▲Done!!

▲Models                         ▲Shu-Yun was explaining our work to Chairman     ▲ Je-En was explaining his idea


Green Photos exhibition

Green Miracle was paying a visit to “Green Building demonstration base”, interviewing library curator and architecture, and taking a field trip to Beitou Library. Through Green Photos exhibition, we hoped that everyone can experience our research process and affected by the charming of Green Buildings.

▲We are sticking photos on the board


Green Classes

The posters on the main demonstrating board were offered by Architecture and Building Research Institute (ABRI), Ministry of the Interior. We hope people can know more about the advantages of Green Building through the pictures provided.

▲We were explaining the definition of Green Building and the nine indicators to the audience.

▲We guided the teachers and students in the exhibition area.


The Green Interactive Computer Games


We came up with the Q&A ourselves, and with the interactive game from the official website of Architecture and Building Research Institute (ABRI), Ministry of the Interior, we hope that students can enjoy their adventures of exploring Green Buildings.

Give Green Miracle a Like

The exhibition lasted for two days, during from the exhibition, we were encouraged by many teachers and students. The crowd attending the exhibition not only touched us, but also provided many feedback for us.

Pictures/ P rovided by Green Miracle