Operation Greenhouse Effect

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Environmental Education Lecture

The Kyoto Protocol has been put into effect in February, 2005. Related issues on global changes and greenhouse gas reduction have become the focus of global environmental protection. Since the 1992 Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit, Taiwan's greenhouse gas emission has in fact increased by a rate of 80%. During June, 2005, Taiwan has held the first national energy conference since the Kyoto Protocol was put into effect. This however, still could not set a goal for Taiwan's reduction rate, and in combination with the complexity and professionalism of the Kyoto Protocol, has increased the resistance of promoting environmental protection education.

Because of this, breaking the communications barrier on the Kyoto Protocol and letting the general public understand global climate changes and the greenhouse effects, plus the vision of using the Kyoto Protocol as the way to accomplish sustainable global mutual survival, are issues that must be dealt with soon. This lecture was on the Kyoto Protocol, and was explained in an understandable way for both older and younger children. Everyone learned about issues related to global climate changes, including the greenhouse effect, air pollution, greenhouse gas reduction, and local strategies. Many ways to accomplish these issues were also explained, to let everyone work together and accomplish reduction. Records by: Environmental Scout- Sandy

Environmental Education Lecture pictures

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Student Responses to the Environmental Education Lecture

What can we do about the Kyoto Protocol?

I learned a lot from Professor Yeh's lecture. I learned more about the greenhouse effect. This lecture was in fact quite astonishing for me, as I didn't think that a small country like Taiwan ranked 22 out of more than a hundred other countries. This was shocking, and though we've already started to notice this trend, most of us haven't really done anything about it. Environmental protection takes everyone's efforts. If everyone everywhere thinks that, “It won't matter without me”, then our goal of reducing greenhouse gases and restoring Earth to health will be infinitely difficult. Even animals will face the danger of extinction. Professor Yeh says that because of melting icebergs, polar bears may disappear forever in the future. Tuvalu, nation only 6 meters about sea level, may sink into the ocean within 50 years. Many countries in the world have started their reduction plans, but Taiwan's greenhouse gas emission has been rising for the last hundred years, without any serious effort to accomplish reduction.  

For Earth, and for mankind's future, we need to face the truth bravely, and spread the effects of greenhouse gases on humans and the Earth to other people. With everyone working together, environmental protection will start from our everyday lives. Besides sorting our trash, planting trees and plants, and reducing carbon dioxide emissions, we also need to save paper, as the amount of green vegetation in the world is rapidly disappearing due to deforestation. If humans keep cutting down trees for short term profits, the results will be unthinkable. We can plant trees and flower at home, to not only beautify our home, but more importantly reduce greenhouse gases. Besides this, home appliances are also electricity wasters, so we should unplug unused appliances, turn the air conditioning to 28C with a timer and fan, bring our own shopping bags when shopping, and of course take public transportation, walk or bike instead of driving. We can also buy energy conserving products, like the many solar powered gadgets, like heaters, calculators, toys, street light, washing machines, and etc. These solar powered machines are practical and environmental. Response by: Environmental Scout- Ruby

How to take part in the Kyoto Protocol

    After listening to this lecture I learned a lot. The lecturer, Professor Yeh, not only told us what the Kyoto Protocol was, but also told us how to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases. After this lecture, my dad was very touched, and started to understand the greenhouse effect and actually started to drive less and use the air conditioning less! Though this was only a small lecture, many people really understood the meaning. I hope that more people can understand that if they don't start taking notice, Earth may soon be destroyed by us! Response by: Environmental Scout- Regenia


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