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  International production and salesTaiwan-Japan production and sales collaboration / Dream Beauty cultivation / Dream Beauty profit and sales


Dream Beauty profit and sales-Production, Sales Record and Safety Inspection Record


◆《Production and sales record setup allows consumers to trace the production process》
Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan〔2004〕promoted the agricultural product production and sales record system. This system is simply a record of agricultural product from production, processing to sales. Consumers will have peace of mind when consuming rice. Production and Sales Record is a global trend. In accordance with Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan data, Taiwan is expected to comprehensively implement product production record by year 2015. Browse Production Record System related information on
Taiwan Agricultural Taiwan Agriculture and Food Traceability System (TAFT) This website also the place where you can inquire about products that have production and sales records.
Since Nakashimamio Shoutenn gives great importance to production records, “Dream Beauty” has also setup the Production and Sales Record System. If you have purchase “Dream Beauty” before, you are probably aware that there is a labeling paper on top of the package. There is product name, package date, traceability No., traceability website and 1D barcode and 2D barcode. This label is the production and sales record which can be scanned using a barcode scanner, or a decipher camera cell phone. You may also enter the traceability number at
TaiwanTaiwan Agriculture and Food Traceability System TAFT website and the production record of a product will be displayed.

Taiwan Agriculture and Food

Traceability System

Barcode label of Dream Beauty.

Enter the number on the label

 to see the production record


◆《Passed 528 test items in Japan》
Effective May 29th, 2006, Japan implemented the newly amended Food Hygiene Law and greatly increased test items for imported commodities. At present, the Stage 1 Pesticide Residue Test items for imported rice increased from 129 items to 528 items. “ Dream Beauty” Rice, under the guidance of Tainan District, Agricultural Research and Extension Station, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan and Lian-Fa Rice Milling Factory, production area pesticide and fertilizer use is strengthened such as uniform material purchase and safe production record system setup. If suitable guidance is provisioned, “Dream Beauty” rice is expected to pass all newly amended 528 test item criteria in Japan in early July.