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Project Elements

(Ⅰ)How to merge the 9-year consistent education with the standard curricula of Guangfu Primary school with the project of “Taiwan School CyberFair”?

  Using the topic of “Pineapple Pastries Being Gold Bricks” to teach the students who majored in the project, the research design will be organized as follows:


(Ⅱ)What skills have we learned?

1、Interviewing skill. Before the interview, the background data about the interviewees must be collected and then designated the interviewing items. At the interview, get ready a recorder and camera. Questions should be made randomly at appropriate timing. Interviewed script should be handled soon after the interview to prevent it from being forgotten. Since our research would be performed in English, training prior to the incidence was very important to avoid getting afraid of.


2、Information collecting skill. Information available online was very rich but, same information, some people could find it and some people just did not. This involved the skill of information collecting skill. The key was “practices make perfect”.

3、Writing interview draft. We interviewed 8 persons. Each team, at least, was responsible for an article of the interview draft. First, we used the most simple way of Q&A, and then we finished a more integrated article with the skilled writing device. The teacher emphasized again and again that it was important to digest the interview content and integrate them with our own opinions. The copy was not allowed. Honestly speaking, in the beginning, we really did not know how to write the draft. Gradually, after the teacher’s directing, the interview drafts were filled with vitality.

4、Data statistics. We changed the data of questionnaires to percentage, and used the statistical charts to present the result. It was clear at a glance. And we felt it was rather interesting to combine mathematics and computer skills.

5、Baking the pineapple pastry. Before the project, we thought the baking skill of the pineapple pastry was a professional job. Through this research, we found that making the pineapple pastry was not as difficult as our imagination because we could get the raw materials easily and manufacture it simply. More importantly, we could just bake it at home-oven by DIY.

(Ⅲ)How many cooperating teams’ concepts and methods had we realized or practiced?

  We were crew of 19 students from 6 classrooms. The time available for all to get together was limited. Fortunately, we met fixedly two sections every week. In the meeting, the teacher would report the progress of the project and each team would share its working scheduling, too. Every team had bodily realized its own link of the entire research program. Missing of any link would foil the program so that every team had painstakingly striven with its utmost effort.
  Every team had at least 3 members. Some people were skillful in information collection, some people liked to take photograph, some people had good computer foundation and some people were courageous to ask questions. Sometimes one was a leader and sometimes the other was being led. All of us had learned to play a good role in the task and to realize the importance of incorporation.

 all students  

(Ⅳ)How many particular concepts had we experienced or clearly acknowledged?

1、The cooperation between the government and the folk created a big strength. In order to promote the traditional pineapple pastries to the international stage, it was important to combine the resources of the government and the strength of the dealers. The suppliers should constantly improve something for the best, and the government was responsible for promoting the products and checking on the food hygiene. Under this condition, based on the cooperation between the government and the dealers, the promotion of the pineapple pastries would be larger and smother.

Ma Ying-Jiu Mayor, Ma Ying-Jiu attending the activity
(Picture: Provide by Taipei Bakery Association)

2、The pineapple pastry became the gold brick. The strength between the incorporation of the government and the dealers would evoke the innovation of the local specialties. The pineapple pastries, combining the marketing, the packing, the fashion and local features, would make a profit with infinite opportunities of business in Taipei City, like pieces of gold bricks.

(Ⅴ)How many items of information technology had we applied in completing our research program of “Taiwan School CyberFair”?

Application Items Application purposes
Recorder During our interviews, paper notes with writing could not catch up so that we used a recorder for assisting us in memorizing the missed portion.
Digital camera To record what we did and what we heard. The photos were also selected for using in our web.
DVD Digital Video Recorder To record what we did and what we heard in the video recorder with audio and video. It was a very good recording for our visit and interviews.
Mono-gun projector To project the images and photos on a screen for purpose of presentation.
Memory bar For easy saving of data.
Scanner To digitize the photos taken with traditional camera.
Internet To search related photos, information, telephone numbers and addresses available online.
Computer software

1.Internet Explorer:to search web information
2.ACDSee:to browse digital photo.
3.PhotoImpact:to amend and cut digital photo.
4.Neuro Imaging:cutting and composing the pictures
4.Word:to write work schedule, wording report and research report.
5.Dreameaver:web making.
6.Flash:web animation
5.Print Magic:making the cards

E-mail To send digital information.

(Ⅵ)What techniques did we use in acting the role “Ambassador” through ?working online, personal contacting or team cooperating?

1. The briefing collects: We collected the related news about the activity of “Pineapple Pastries in Taipei, Healthy New Image", and pasted the briefing on the bulletin board in classroom corridor to provide our classmates to read. It would not only publicize the activity to the schoolmates but also accumulate the knowledge of the topic. The briefing collects from the newspaper really did an important role in our research.

2. Interviews on the spot: The 8 interviews we made during the researching time enriched the project a lot. In fact, we interviewed Taipei Bakery Association, Food and Drug division of Department of Health of Taipei, and 6 well-known bakeries. All of them were very kind to receive us and made our research go smoothly. We sincerely appreciated their kindness.

3. Questionnaires: In order to understand the reaction and the purchasing habits of the citizens and the tourists, we proceed with the questionnaires in the street. We had learned the skills of how to make a questionnaire. In addition, the questionnaire made us play the role of the ambassadors in the activity. In fact, this action evoked much attention of the citizens and the tourists.



pineapple pastry

4. Collecting the pineapple pastries: During the researching period, all of us, including the researchers (students), the parents, and the directing teachers, when walking on the street, we would search for the bakeries automatically and focused the attention on the target of the pineapple pastries. We collected the different kinds of pineapple pastries and compared their features of appearance, weight and packing.

5. Web-making: We posted our researching reports on our website on the regular time schedule. Totally, we had posted 50 articles of the reports on the Chinese website. We had tried to act the role of ambassador on the internet and it was really a successful work because there were a lot of people browsing our Chinese website. We hoped the English website would be fascinating to attract people to browse it and could act t the ambassador in the nations, too.


6. Result Presentation:

(1)Oral Presentation: In addition to releasing the research result on the website in the school’s website, result presentation was also presided in the campus. We invited 280 students, parents and teacher to attend our presentation. There were two representations introducing our project. In the presentation, we presented the process of the researching and the products of the pineapple pastries. The audiences gave their great appreciation after our report by the power point. And the bakeries sponsored the pineapple pastries as the prizes for the audiences.

(2)Written presentation: The result of the research was printed into class book and then distributed to various schools in Taipei as a promotion.

(Ⅶ)What effect and impact of the research program generated to us?

  In the beginning, when we decided we would adopt the topic of the pineapple pastry to attend Taiwan School CyberFair, we had no idea about that. Most of us were not acquainted with the topic. Some of us had not even eaten and heard about that. Fortunately, after the explanation of teachers, we knew that the pineapple pastry was a kind of dessert with the crispy outside and sour and sweet filling inside. Later on, it always let us cast greedy eyes at the pineapple pastry when we went shopping.

  After one month, the teacher brought us to Green Gulf Food Company to try to make the pineapple pastry. It was the first time for us to make the pineapple pastry by ourselves. The baking pastry we made was delicious. After a few days, we visited the gold prize store, Chia Te Bakery Company. The owner’s wife, Miss Lin Yue-ying, guided us to enter the factory where had two huge machines of butter mixer and dough pressing. We also saw the half-auto packer. It was splendid. Miss Lin entertained each one of us two pieces of the pineapple pastry and pine-yolk pastry. It was tasty, and we were so happy that we seemed to be the gourmets that day.

  In daily life, we always felt hungry around four o’clock in the afternoon, and we ran to the directing teachers’ classroom to eat the pineapple pastries which we took as the gifts from the stores we visited. The products were yummy snacks.

  The more we understood the pineapple pastries, the more we liked them. Actually, the pineapple pastry being the “Taipei Gift” is the first choice.

(Ⅷ)How did other local members provide assistance or voluntarily participate in the research program?

Assisted Items of the Research

Chairman Liao Ben-Cang

Mr. Liao was the back-hand of the activity of the “Pineapple Pastry Taipei, Health New Phenomena”. He was the chairman of Taipei Bakery Commercial Association and the president of Green Gulf Food Company. He mentioned about the related news of the activity and provided a place for us to experience the process of making the pineapple pastries.
Universal Communication Company
The company played the role of contacting and arranging to visit the Green Gulf Food Company, and issuing a press release to the media.

Director Jiang Yu-Mei

Miss Jiang was the director of Taipei Food and Drug division of Department of Health. She received our interview and explained how the government and the dealers cooperated to promote the pineapple pastry to be the “Taipei Gift”.
Superior Lin of Meles Cake Store
Mr. Lin, the Superior of Meles Cake Store, received our interview, and introduced the features of the Meles’ pineapple pastries, which got the gold prize of creativity item.
Owner’s wife of Chia Te Bakery Company, Miss Lin Yue-ying.
The pineapple pastry of Chia Te got the gold prize of the original taste. Miss Lin brought us to visit the making process of the pineapple pastry and introduced the features of their pastries.
Owner of Vigor Food Company, Mr. Lee Zhen-Rong
The pineapple pastry of Vigor Food Company got the best popular prize. Mr. Lee, the owner, received our interview, and introduced how to make the tasty pineapple pastries. Moreover, Mr. Lee gave us the chance to interview the foreign tourists.
Owner of Astoria Bakery, Mr. Jian Jin-Xiong
The pineapple pastry of Astoria Bakery got the classy prize. Mr. Jian introduced proudly that their pineapple pastries had the traditional flavor.

Baker Wang Zheng-Wen

The baker of Green Gulf Food Company, Mr. Wang Zheng-Wen, was the maker of the pineapple pastry of North Door City. He taught us how to make the pineapple pastries.
Teacher Xu Jing-Xiang
Miss Xu was the teacher of Taipei Municipal Guangfu Primary School. She majored in the subject of health and sports, and she was a specialist on baking, too. She received our interview and mentioned us the particular notes when eating the pineapple pastries.
Mr. Lin
Mr. Lin was the father of student Zi-Wen. He taught us how to make the pineapple pastries at home. He was a specialist of baking the pineapple pastries, too.

(Ⅸ)、Statement of Intellectual Property Rights of the research website.

  All written information of the entire website are obtained from the integration of our several practical visits & interviews made to the related institute, the stores, the website information, the relevant news. The interview part is the truthful recording of the interviewing we had performed by ourselves.

  The photos in the web were selected from around 500 shots taken by ourselves with digital cameras. Some of the photos were from the internet, newspaper and briefing from the related institutes. All the applied photos are stipulated with their sources. The film was recorded by the directing teachers by DV.

(Ⅹ)Discoveries, lessons and Surprises

1. Discoveries: Before the research, we thought the pineapple pastry was only a small dessert. The more we studied the topic, the more we fell in love with the pineapple pastry. At the first sight of the “Taipei Gift”, we thought it was only a special dish of Chinese food. Now we know it is the representation of the pineapple pastry. Wonderful! The little, square and golden pastries were becoming worthy like the gold bricks.

2. Lessons: When we made the pineapple pastries in Green Gulf Food Company, the news reporter of CTI came to interview us. We were looking forward to watching ourselves on the TV. Unfortunately, we saw the topic on the TV was “For Pursuing to Enter the Junior School, the Students in Primary School Learned to Make the Pineapple Pastries for Getting the Certificates”. It was not true. We were so surprised to see this false report that we wanted to ask the reporters what was their discipline. It was an episode, but we felt sorry about that. We learned that one thing had two different sides. The media could spread the news, and at the same time, distorted the truth, too. The lesson is, when we read the news, we should have the ability of judgment and deliberating.

3. Surprises: We are usually nervous when we have to make a public report in the class. Surprisingly, we dared to interview the foreign tourists in the street. It was really amazing for us to do that.▲Top