Hujintou Seascape


Exposed oyster colony and defensive fence when low tide

        At dawn when tide is low, people are busy in the intertidal area. They move in a rush along the muddy trail beside a small water way, with bamboo basket and bags on their back. All they are trying to do is to finish harvesting sea oysters before the tide is back again.
Beach of Kinmen at dusk, has an decoration of railroad tracks. Whether it is beautiful or inappropriate, it depends on the angle you see it.
¡@¡@As sea water gradually lowers, colonies of oyster on the iron fence are also exposed not far from seashore. Finally, underneath muddy beach is in the air. Square cement base of iron fence is also exposed completely, together with many iron railroad tracks pointing into the end of sky and sea.
¡@¡@At that time, China is separated into two sides. In one night, thousands and hundreds of army set their bases on the island. The prepared military force was ready for their counter attack. Later, coastal guard has became their main objective. It was then, north and east coast of island is fenced with iron rods pointing into the sky.
¡@¡@Kinmen and Lieyu border on mainland China.  It is warm in the daytime and cool at night.  The rainy season is from April to August. Yearly rainfall is about 1,000 ml and evaporation level reaches 1,750 ml.  The average yearly temperature is about 21 degrees Celsius.  In addition, there are often strong winds.  The climate is influenced by conditions in southern China and the marine flow, creating cold, dry winters with much fog in spring.  In the summer, although the climate is affected by the southwestern air mass and typhoons, there is a strong evaporative effect and weak water collection ability, so the island conditions are usually dry. In the spring, the heavy fog can affect plane travel, which also affects tourism
¡@¡@The coastal area from Hujintou to Shanglin have steady slopes. During low tide period, the wide intertidal area becomes the " oyster cottage " for costal villager in clam business. Moreover, when the tides are low, enemies cannot easily aboard. They need to park their boats along the high waves. At this time, the oyster fence becomes a natural insulating structure because the iron rods can start to take effect during high tides. These numerous outward pointing sharp rod connects into a line of defence, which blocks boat effectively, keeping them away.
¡@¡@Following the track rods, are the iron fences on the beach. Behind these fences, there are regions of road mine zone. With such an setting and dangerousity, these zone are definitly restricted area. As time passes, grass within this region is taller than people. As people stay away from these area, the " restricted area " becomes bigger and bigger, and turns into the base of insects and snakes. When dogs or unknown people enter this area accidentally, they will have died unfortunately.

Beautiful sunset

Floating fort at rightof Hujintou estuary

Clean and clear beach and sky

Exposed iron track rods at low tides

Shells and vines growing on rocks of beach

    Eroded granite

Fishermen in near sea (can visualize Island Xiamen in the opposite coast)
