Project Contributions
Project Contributions

In charge

Action Items

4 Students:

Lin Jyun-Yi
Wu Ya-Wun
Jian Yu-Shan
Lin Yao-Jyun

1. Filling progress report
2. Searching related data sources
3. Meeting & Discussing
4. Arranging & Editing
5. Schedule Planning
6. Interviewing interviewees and related people
7. Preparing digital camera, stick memory, mp3…etc.
8. Drafting questionnaire
9. Photo-taking, Shooting, and recording
10. Web constructing & testing
2 Teachers

Huang Hsueh-Mei
Ku Yu-Jen

1. Computer skill conduct
2. Technology council
3. Construct web structure
4. Provide traditional camera & digital camera
5. Meeting & Discussing
6. Analyzing project research data
7. Escorting students for interviews
8. Modifying web

Mr. Chen Forng-Shean
1. Confirm data
2. Accept interviewing, photo-taking , and shooting
3. Provide data sources, photos, and clippings
4. Inform activities for our interviews
The public
1. Accepting interviews, photo-taking, and shooting
2. Inquired related information about our community
3. Inquired related information about Mr. Chen Forng-Shean
Staffs of exhibition halls
1. Accepting interviews, photo-taking, and shooting
2. Inquired related information about exhibitions