--- About US ---

Andrew Hsu
Hey, this is Andrew Hsu from Taipei, Taiwan and so far it's been a very rewarding, albiet tiring, experience working on this team. Through the process, I've learned a lot about history, Chiang, website editing, and most important of all, how to work with people who have totally different ideas. And I guess that stands for all of us, because that's how we created that special chemistry through this diversity of opinions that made this site possible. Gotta give my thanks to you guys one more time! And to everyone out there, hope you like our website!



Athena Chen
The days of holding slumber parties with my laptop are finally over, and I've never been happier. But hey, I've never felt more refreshed and inspired. I am now filled with daydreams of being constructive and putting effort in making the world a better place. Learning about world leaders and working with the best teammates has really been a mind-opening experience for me. Love you guys and world peace!!



Michelle Chou
Hey this is Michelle, we've just had a wonderful experience of meeting Clinton- the former American president, so I think it would be quite interesting to do a project about leadership. I enjoyed the whole process of doing this project, including working with the teammates and dealing with all those problems we faced. I'm so glad that the whole thing is done, and I can't wait to pack for the trip to Washington!!



Ted Chu
It was a time that will not be forgotten. A time in which a young and naive me, had to overcome burdens of schoolwork, pressure from teachers and parents, and the countless temptations of the afterworld. And on this winding and twisted road to success, I clarified my thoughts and with a determined heart and unswerving resolution, set out to conquer.
And always shall the encouragements of my fellow peers and the sense of belongingness be embedded in my heart, and not to be worn out by the years to win.
And even thought these memories are all but past chapters in my life, my deeper knowledge of out last president Chiang Ching-kuo and how leadership plays an important role in our society, shall always be long lasting and be put to use in my later life.
And, I can proudly say I have not come through this in vain.

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