木工五金鐵件Carpentry metal tools
固定件種類 |
平板 |
用在平行兩木材組件。 |
L形板 |
使用於兩組件成平面接合且互成直角的情況。 |
Plane plate: used across the two members of the timber to hold them together. |
L-shaped plate: used for a plant joint at right angle. |
角板 |
置於兩組件間,互成直角。 |
T形板 |
使用於一組件對著另一組件的情況。 |
Come plate: used when two members are at right angle. |
T-shaped plate: used when joining a member to the other on the lateral side. |
金屬扣件 |
扣件波形 |
為波形斷面,有一邊緣磨成銳利,以便能進入木材,波形在其兩半成相反方向處稍微傾斜,如此,當扣件被敲入木材時,造成組件拉在一起的效果。 |
彎釘 |
用釘子把釘尖彎曲,然後剪斷釘頭後,彎曲與釘尖端相等長度,兩尖頭的釘子可以敲入斜接或其他需增強地方的底面,達成扣件的功能。 |
山形扣件 |
一種形狀類似山形薄鋼板,可以敲入木材,使兩塊木材接合抓緊在一起,特別適合使用於橫著斜接。 |
Corrugated fastener: it is corrugated and sharpened at one end to cut thrugh the timber when it is hammered in. The beveled corrugation points to different directions and thus holds the timber effectively. |
Staple: a temporary fastener made of nails. Use vise to bend the nail points, cut its head, and make both bent ends with equal length. This U-shaped nail with two pointed ends may fasten bevel joints or others. |
Saw-teethee fastener: a toothed steel fastener holds two pleces a timber together, especially in the direction of transverse beveles. |
釘的種類 Types of nails |
大部分的木工接合以榫接的方式組合,但是許多情況的組件,以釘子或螺釘接合較為理想及簡便。 |
螺釘的種類 Types of screws |
大部分的木工接合以榫接的方式組合,但是許多情況的組件,以釘子或螺釘接合較為理想及簡便。 |
螺栓的種類 Types of bolts |
一端為螺釘,令一端為金屬螺紋,可使螺帽沿著螺紋所上去。 |