In carrying out this project, we carefully researched and concluded what we got in a homepage. Our writing is more literary and sometime arranged some “mysterious” scenes. We did that to express our feeling that we had the mission to carry on the precious historic materials our ancestors passed to us and pass them to our offspring. Faced with the vanishment of the historic materials relevant to " No sky" street area, we hope to provide some suggestions for people who're prepared to revive “no sky” street  area in the future:


An illustration signs about “no sky” historical spot

        During our research period, we walked back and forth on Jhongshan Road, looking for data that are lost. However, it is a pity that when visiting Jhongshan Road, pedestrians hardly could find any relevant information on the street. To set up illustration on every relevant road sections, telling visitors the past of the roads should facilitate tourists’ understanding of " No sky" street area’s history. In addition, the illustration signs of famous facades should be set up as well to help those who’re interested in to do research.



 “No Sky” Academia Historica

        Lukang has more abundant photos and data of “no sky” than other places. Some of the precious data about " No sky" street area are private collections. These precious data should be organized by the authority and exhibited systematically. Doing so not only can develop tourism of Lukang but provide researchers a place for their researches.


Prepare for the revival of “no sky”

        Now the roofs of " No sky" street area had been dismantled and today's Jhongshan Road is a major commercial area in Lukang so it's impossible to revive “no sky” in the original spot. However, we can do a small-scale of restoration with the establishment of “No Sky” Academia Historica to show tourists the characteristics of " No sky" street area.



Preservation of facades

        During our research, we found that some facades recorded in data were gone. Although we could understand why people rebuilt the old houses on Jhongshan Road, but we’re also concerned that if no actions are taken, then the facades on Jhongshan Road will all be gone one day. We suggest preserving some facades that are of representative value to avoid the loss of precious facades.


Suggestions for further study

        In our research, we didn’t discuss some parts in detail due to our theme. Among them, the commercial organization, 8-Jiaos, in Lukang and facades on Jhongshan Road are great themes waiting for people to do further research and let us have further understanding of the people, events, time, places, objects on " No sky" street area during that time.


Glory of the past Prepare for revival

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