In our research, we read a lot of information about " No sky" street. Among them, books, image, and websites are included. We categorized all these data after we finish the project, and we hope these data will help to those who are interested in related topic.







The history of Changhua

        This book tells the story of Changhua development. Of course, Lukang is included. It also tells the story of " No sky" street.

The history of Lukang Town--the course of change and development chapter

        The development of Lukang for four hundred years, and it tells a more detail story than "the history of Changhua". It also has a lot of information and images about " No sky" street.

The history of development of Lukang

        This book was written by Mr. Yeh. However, the book is not easy to understand because the style of its writing (old Chinese). It tells about the development of Lukang area, and you will have a better understanding of Lukang's developement  after reading the book.

Street The history of Lukang town: Transportation chapter

        The section and block that "No sky" street and area was described in the book. As the arrangement of the material is not so good, it is a little hard for reader to understand.

The structure of the streets in Lukang during the last years of Cing Dynasty

        It is a book of Mr. Lin, and it is well written. This book deserves your reading

Encylopedia Research on features of old Lukang

        It's a great book by Mr. Han. The book has a very good description in " No sky" street, and you have to read it if you are interested in the street.

Street house The symbolic meaning of Taiwan shophouse special form: A case study of Lukang shophouse façade during Japanese colonization

        It's a master thesis. The thesis is about the street house of Lukang. With a lot of examples, it helps readers to understand the street house of Lukang.

Frontispiece An Introduction to historical sites

       It's a hand book for research of historical landmarks, and it's very suitable for those who begin to understand the world of  historical relics.

Tour in depth in Lukang

       It describes the historical sites of Lukang, and "No sky" street is also included.




Name Information
Recollections of old Lukang I

         This book contains a lot of photos about old Lukang, and it's a precious album about old Lukang.

Recollections of old Lukang II         Part  II 



Name Information
Lukang--" No sky street"

        It's a tour website by Changhua county office, and it tells the story of street house.

Touring in Lukang--"No sky street"

        A webpage by Lukang Township office. It is an encyclopedia of " No sky" street, and you will find lot of story about the street.

Old town in Lukang

      The website of Chinese Daily. Lots of old town in Taiwan are introduced, and Lukang is included.

Huko old street

    A website by Huko elementary school. The story about Huko is well-described, and the information about Huko old street is also abundant.

Famous historicla sites in Lukang

   A website by Min-Dao secondary school. The information inthe website is quite good for those who want to have a tour to Lukang.


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