During our research, our four resources included Chinese books,periodicals, newspapers and Internet. Among them, the data from Chinese books and periodicals are the most precious and are our major resources. As for data from newspapers and Internet, according to director Wun, are less credible so we cannot put them on our homepage unless we evidenced them by means of the data from books and periodicals. The following are our references.


Chinese books

Zuoyang (Ed.) (1983). Recollections of old Lukang I. Changhua, Taiwan: Author.

Zuoyang (Ed.) (1983). Recollections of old Lukang II. Changhua, Taiwan: Author.

Lin, H. C. (1991). The structure of the streets in Lukang during the last years of Cing Dynasty. Taipei, Taiwan: Jing&Siang Press.

Jhou, J. Y. (1968). The history of Jhuluo County. Taipei, Taiwan: National Defense Medical Center.

Jhou, S. (1922). The history of Changhua County. Taiwan: Jingshih Press.

Ye, D. P. (1997). The history of development of Lukang. Changhua, Taiwan: Zuoyang Press.

Compiling Committee of the History of Lukang, (1990). The history of Lukang town: the course of change and development chapter. Changhua, Taiwan: Lukang Town Office.

Compiling Committee of the History of Lukang, (1990). The history of Lukang town: Transportation chapter. Changhua, Taiwan: Lukang Town Office.

Compiling Committee of the History of Lukang, (1990). The history of Lukang town: Political policies chapter. Changhua, Taiwan: Lukang Town Office.

Compiling Committee of the History of Lukang, (1990). The history of Lukang town: Art and literature chapter. Changhua, Taiwan: Lukang Town Office.

Compiling Committee of the History of Lukang, (1990). The history of Lukang town: Geography chapter. Changhua, Taiwan: Lukang Town Office.

Compiling Committee of the History of Lukang, (1990). The history of Lukang town: Figures chapter. Changhua, Taiwan: Lukang Town Office.

Yuanliou, Taiwan Division (Ed). (2001). Tours in depth in Lukang. Taipei, Taiwan: Author.

Li, C. L., &  Yu, Y. P. (2003). An introduction to historic sites.. Taipei, Taiwan:Yuanliou Press.

Han, B. D. (Ed.) (1978). Research on features of old Lukang. Lukang, Taiwan: Committee of relic preservation and promotion of local development in Lukang.





He, S. C. (1989). The symbolic meaning of Taiwan shophouse special form: A case study of Lukang shophouse façade during Japanese colonization. Unpublished master’s thesis, University of Chung Yuan Christian University, Chung Li, Taiwan, R.O.C.



Pang, G. No sky street, United Daily News, 1979, 5, 22.

Jhou, J. No sky street in Lukang, United Daily News, 1984, 10, 26.

Syu, J. Y. No sky street: Yuanchang Store, Minsheng Daily News, 1986, 5, 5.

Jian, H. J. No sky street in Lukang: No women, no wells, 1990, 2, 2.



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