Looking back at our research process, we can simply divide it into three stages. The first stage is from last June to last August. During this period, we mainly recruited appropriate team members and selecting the topic. It was a preparation period for our whole research process. The second stage is from last October to September. We busy collected and concluded data during this period. In addition, we had to upload our reports, learn how to operate digital equipments, do field investigation, and so on. The third stage is from last December to this January. We began to organize our webpage and getting the permission of quotation in our website. There were too much to say, so please just look at our research journal and you'll know.

 Stage I:


Key events


       Teacher Hsu proposed this project and asked we five students who participated the science exhibition to work together again. Teacher Hsu also asked us to recruit some more members and do our best.


       We recruited members so we had three new members. Three members, director Wun, Hong Cun-Yi, Liang and Geng-Wei joined our team and our team totaled to nine.


       Teacher Hsu asked us to start searching on the Internet to make sure the range of our research content. Therefore, we searched on the Internet every morning for an hour according to the schedule we set and because Teacher Hsu had to work on his graduate school courses so director Wun instructed us on our research during this period.


     Cyber Fair’s registration time schedule was different from that last year. Given that we were not sure whether to register, plus Teacher Hsu had too much summer assignments to do, so this month Teacher Hsu told us to stop our work for the time being and enjoyed a happy summer vacation.


      After confirming the registration information, our team reorganized and director Wun invited our teacher in fourth grade, teacher Chen, to join us. Thus all the members were ready. We not only had to study lots of internet material, but also had to study History of Lukang Town, which is relevant to “no sky”.


       During this period, Teacher Hsu divided us into several groups. He asked us to work with our own group member, conclude the data we studied and write them down. Teacher Hsu told us that he found some more reference data from the library and asked us to study, and then write our conclusion. After we turned what we had in mind into words, teachers Syu discussed with us and made sure there are no mistakes. Teacher Hsu also said that at the beginning of next month, our principle will have a meeting with our members.


Stage 2:


Key events


      We had a meeting with our principle. He said that our school will fully support our work. He also encouraged us to do our best and win our school honors.


        Teacher Hsu said that he’s done the registration process. Our research title is “Legned of ‘no sky’” and our team name is “Sinsing Wu-Jia”. This name didn’t sound great but we could think of other names so we just accepted it. What we cared more is why our English name is “Kiwi Fruit”. Teacher Hsu said that he was eating Kiwi when he thought about our team name.


        This week we interviewed at “Baoshengtan” introduced by director Yang. We had fun and we’ve already written it down in the chapter “Baoshengtan”.


        Just like before, we concluded our data and had endless meetings. It is so tiring. When can we have a break?


       We started to write our research report. Teacher Chen taught us how to put the what we had written on the Internet and told us how to fill out the form of research hours.


       We visited “Chengwuntan” and the storeowner was really kind and introduced other store owners on Jhongshan Road to us.


        This week our teacher redistributed us to three different groups including data, homepage, and backup. In addition we had a meeting and made sure about the structure of our homepage. Meanwhile, we learned how to operate digital equipments. It was pretty fun.


       Our principle had a meeting with us again this week. He told us that our teachers said we were very earnest and we should keep on working. Meanwhile, we started to make our homepage. We began to put relevant data on our homepage.


Stage 3:


Key events


     Director Wun asked us to consult other people’s research reports. He hope that we could be inspired by their works. Later, we put what we learned from observing on the Internet as well.


        Teacher Hsu assembled us and reviewed our homepage manufacturing skills. Luckily we had learned that when we were in fourth grade. With Teacher Hsu’s help, our confidence increased. In addition, Teacher Hsu taught us lots of skills dealing with photos, for example, reducing pictures.


        With the completion of our homepage page by page, our research achievements started to appear. It’s fun to see our research contents put on the homepage. This week, Cyuan-Ting, Ya-Ru, and Jhu-jyun went to Jhongshan Road and studied the facades. They took a lots of pictures.


        This week is Christmas so Teacher Hsu, who deeply believes in English and American culture, gave himself a break for a week. (Teacher Hsu is an English teacher.) Therefore, we benefited too. We only had to check if there’s any mistake on our homepage.


        It’s new year but Teacher Hsu assigned us some work to do at home but he himself enjoyed new year. So mean! Meanwhile, we decided on the location of pictures on every homepage. The whole homepages are almost finished.


        Our website is finished, and we felt proud about our work as we read them. We also thought that we are smart enough to survive from Teacher Hsu's "torture". Due to the final examination in next week, we had to say sorry to teachers because our homeroom teacher won't let us to help our teachers in website correction.


         We were at our final examination, and the winter vacation followed. Before we began our vacation, teacher Hsu told us not to worry about anything because he and other members will take care of editing the DV  Teacher Hsu said " Show Time".


  It's winter vacation. However, we didn't see Teacher Hsu at school, where could he go??


  Teacher Hsu phone us to read the final version of the our website. Wow, it was magnificient. All the job was done, and all we could do is to wait for the result.




Discussion Surf on the net
Teacher's direction Uploading data

Next Reflections…