Our team, according to Mr. Syu, aimed to revive what had happened on Jhongshan Road. During our three months of researching period, lots of people did us lots of favors directly or indirectly when we were in need and facilitated our research. On this page, we would like to express our great appreciation. In any case, please receive our most most most sincere appreciation.


Principle, Chen Sin-Fu

       Our principle, who supported the equipments and subsidy our team needed so that our team could devote ourselves to our research completely. In addition, the principle encouraged us and sometimes discussed with us. He offered us the most encouragements.

Madam Gu Yue-Jiao

        The “old” (in Chinese alphabet, owner means old) store owner of Baoshengtan (drugstore), who was really kind and answered every of our questions. She was our first interviewee. She showed us her house sothat we could examine the characteristics of the houses written on the books.

Mr. Jhuang Yong-Hong

        Store owner of Chengwuntan (bookstore), who is not old at all. He and his wife provided us lots of precious written data and showed us his house. The most important of all, he introduced lots of other stores to us for our interviews and made our interview data more complete.

Town Mayor,

 Huang Jheng-Long

        The big daddy of Lukang town, who is always busy in charge of our town affairs everyday but kindly answered our immature questions and wished us success in this contest.

Director, Yang Jhu-Bi

        Our director of counseling office, whose mother-in-law is Grandma Chen of Baoshengtan. She helped us negotiate with store owners when we had problems interviewing.

Teacher, Hong Shu-Huei

       Wife of teacher Hsu, who also helped us negotiate with store owners like director Yang so that we could complete the second interview

Mr. Chen Shih-Sian

        With a nickname  “Mr. know-it-all” of historic sites in Lukang, Mr. Chen generously provided precious written data as our reference and did great contribution to our team.

Mr. Huang Zhi-Non

         Owner of Juoyang Art Workshop. We appreciate that she provided lots of pictures of old Lukang, many of which were relevant to the “no sky” market area. She also provided the telephone numbers of the authors so that we could contact with them and it was easier for us to get the authorization of using the photos.

Mr. Nian, Syue-Bin

        The one who’s responsible for the maintenance of the computers of our school. He is called “handsome boss” by teacher Hsu. Mr. Nian generously provided website resources and stood up with teacher Hsu’s “harassment”, solving our problems when making websites.

Mr. Huang Lai-wang

      The chairman of parents’ committee, also our team member Jhu-Ging’s father. Chairman Huang generously let us use his computer equipments to get on the Internet during holidays.

Teacher, Li Wuan-Rong

        She is our tutor, home teacher of 5A in Shin Shing elementary school. Although she is not a member of our team, she is usually bothered by us and helped us with literary articles that we couldn’t understand. In addition, the title, “The wise and old reviving the past” (chinese title of interview), of our homepage is her idea.

Teacher, Chang Qing-ru

         Colleagues of  Teacher Hong (teacher Hsu's wife). She made a lot of photos of historical landmarks in Lukang. Some of the photos in our webpage were provided by her. Without her photos, our website would have never been so much wonderful.


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