Head of the Refreshment Business

      Lukang used to be one of the most important business cities in Taiwan. It attracted many rich merchants from the mainland. These merchants usually invited chefs from Tangshan to cook for them. Lukang’s snacks are the most famous food amidst the culinary culture. Lukang is rich in snacks. Among them, Lu-tou-kao (green bean cake) and Feng-yen-kao (phoenix-eye cake) are very famous, which are the must-buy snacks for tourists. And Yu Chen Chai is definitely the leading company in the snack circle.


Yu Chen Chai

Inscription of family name


History                                                                                                     TOP

  Yu Chen Chai is located in the crossroads of Chung Shan Road and Min Tsu Road. It is more than 100 years old and has witnessed the ups and downs of Lukang. The history of development of Yu Chen Chai is virtually lost. The only thing that we can make sure is that it was established in Kuangshi the 3rd (1877 A.D.). At that time, Huang Chin, a very well-to-do merchant, invited skillful pastry cooks from Chuan Chou to make tasty snacks and pastries in order to manifest the unique decency of Lukang. The snacks and pastries won a rave review for their refined quality and deliciousness. Huang, with the urge of his friends, started Yu Chen Chai.

       Huang Shih-yuen, son of Huang Chin, knew a great deal about snacks and pastries since his childhood due to the influences of his father. With the efforts of his father, Huang Shih-yuen devoted himself to study of Chinese literature and manners. Hence, he made quite a few friends who were literates and gentlemen. In their gatherings, in addition to discussions of current events and making poems, tea played an important role as well. As a result, snacks became a must, which pushed the pastries cooks of Yu Chen Chai to be more committed to the making of snacks and pastries.

      Later on, Huang Cheng-sheng, the eldest son of Hunag Chang-keng, succeeded to Yu Chen Chai. At the end of World War  II, the people of Lukang lived in poverty due to the bombardment of the American Air Force. The war separated Huang Cheng-sheng and his wife, which made him so depressed that he could not run the store anymore. So he asked his little brother, Huang Sen-jung, to take care of the business. Huang Cheng-sheng did not have any son, so he adopted the third son of Huang Sen-jung, Huang I-pin, as his son. Based on Taiwan’s traditional customs, the son of Huang Cheng-sheng was the heir apparent. Huang Sen-jung, therefore, became fourth-generation boss of Yu Chen Chai for the sake of his third son. Huang Sen-jung, together with his wife, Lu Ching-hsiu, did their best to better Lukang’s traditional snacks and pastries.


Yu Chen Chai in modification period

Outstanding building material


Magnificent Building

  The present Yu Chen Chai building was built in 1930. It took 3 years to build the three-story house. The materials for building were expensive and high-class wood from Tangshan, Taiwan, France, Germany, and Japan. Besides, the interior design was fairly innovative at that time. It is said that this building cost a whopping 50,000 Taiwan dollars. It towers on ' No sky' street area—a very magnificent building indeed. There are boards with the name of the firm hanging on the façade and the entrance, which were written by famous calligraphers, including Dr. Chen Pai-chuan, and make this building a very conspicuous landmark on ' No sky' street area.

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