A Well-know Landmarks

        The Chung Shan Road of Lukang has many ancient shops, and Yuen-Chang store was definitely an important one. Today, Lukang is no longer what it used to be—it is no longer prosperous, not to mention the fact that it used to be Taiwan’s second largest city. However, from the old-fashioned design of Yuen-Chang store, we can still feel the past glory of Lukang.


The store

Inscription of store's name


History of the Store

      Yuen-Chang store was established during the reign of Kuangshi. It started as a textile mill. Later on, it was also a dyeing factory. It was a very successful firm at that time. Today, you can still see the Chinese characters: mien-pu (cotton cloth) and jan-wu (dyeing business), which are proofs of its active relationship with the guilds. Yuen-Chang store would be a member of the guilds, by which many business activities took place during the heyday of Lukang.


  The first floor used to be a taxi company. According to those who have been to Yuen-Chang store, the second and third compartments are the same. There are halls in the front and bathrooms in the back and the second floors. In the middle of every compartment, there is a well and a kitchen, where most family gatherings take place. This building, like others on Chung Shan Road, reflects a layout designed specifically for the purpose of business.


The Store Today  

  'No sky' street area gradually disappears with the influences of modernization. Yet the design of the two-story attic and sunroof of Yuen-Chang store stay unchanged. Some say this building is already 200 years old. Some say it was built at the end of the Ching Dynasty. But judging from the appearance, we may say the building is not 200 years old. The only thing that we are certain is that this very building witnessed the ups and downs of ' No sky' street area.


Mien-pu and jan-wu

Daughter wall


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