Time: 01/13/2005                                      Place: Mayor's office

Members: totaled to ten including the principle

Principle: Children, it is our pleasure to be able to interview our town mayor. We really appreciate that the town mayor could squeeze some time from his busy schedule to accept our interview.

Town Mayor: Principle, you're so polite. I'm glad to have this opportunity to discuss with children over questions relevant to historical sites in Lukang.

Director Wun: Children, say hello to town mayor.

Together: Hello, town mayor.

Town mayor: Hi, children. Please ask your questions. For those questions that can be answered right away, I’ll just illustrate orally. For those that cannot be answered orally, I will let you read the data prepared by relevant staff.

Syuan-Ting: We thank you for accepting our interview. Please kindly accept our small gift.

Town Mayor: It's my duty to serve civilians. I thank you for the gift.

Teacher Chen: So could we just start the interview now? Jhu-Jyun, do you have any questions for the town mayor?

Jhu-jyun: Hello, town mayor, may I ask, what are the key advertised historic sites in Lukang. Is "No sky" street area one of them?

Town Mayor: We've produced guide books on folk historic sites for civilians to consult. In the hand book, we introduce first-class historic site such as Longshan Temple, third-class historic sites such as Tienhou Temple, Chenghuang Temple, Singan Temple, Sanshangguowang Temple, Diezangwang Temple, and Wunwu Temple. In addition, it also introduces some county historic sites such as Jingmen Hall, Fongshang Temple, Nancing Tiemple, Di's mansion, Ganghuei Hall, Yi Gate, and Le More. There are other historic buildings such as Yuanchang company, Shihyi building, street leaders’ dorm and “no sky” old street is also included for certain.


Yi-Cyuan was addressing the question

It's Geng-wei's turn

Ya-Ru: Town mayor, the facades of the street houses are vanishing. Are there any preservation plans?

Town Mayor: Because the houses are more than 70 years old so some house owners rebuilt them and caused the loss of the facades of Street Houses. Only a very small portion of the houses are required to be examined before being rebuilt while most Street Houses are not limited by the law. We can only advise them with morality and earnestly request them to cooperate but this is of little effect in reality. To preserve all the facades of Street Houses requires a large fund and law. This is not what the town office can achieve. To make it possible, we have to reflect to the higher authorities and get their support.

Yi-Cyuan: There is no clear sign marking the "No sky" street area now. Are we thinking about whether to set up an illustration sign to inform tourists where "No sky" street area is located?

Town Mayor: The former illustration sign was set up in front of the Lukang Household Registration Office. The sign was too old so we will request our construction department to renew it.


Ya-ru was on

Syuan-ting was in charge of recording

Yi-Sin: Is it possible to set up a “no sky” resource center that can help tourists to know the history better?

Town Mayor: Our town office has already made the old pictures of "No sky" street area into a CD and we will exhibit relevant data when there is an appropriate place.

Cun-yi: Are we thinking about reviving “no sky” in other places?

Town Mayor: The reviving construction of “no sky” in other places has to do with many aspects such as land and fund. The result of our assessment for the time being is that the reviving construction is impossible.

Geng-Wei: Is it possible to increase more content relevant to "No sky" street area on town office’s homepage?

Town Mayor: On our homepage, we are going to add some photo files of “no sky”. We will show the old pictures of “no sky”street area and help people who're interested in to understand or study. "No sky" street area is an important tourism resource for our town and we also state this in our guide book. Tourism is one of Lukang Town's important economic activities and the town office takes it seriously. I myself will list reviving Lukang's tourism as one of our key policy. I wholeheartedly hope that the historic sites in Lukang can be preserved forever and become our offspring’s important cultural properties.

Town Mayor's Secretary: Children, the town mayor’s time is up.

Teacher Chen: Could we have a picture with town mayor and the staff as a memorial?


Now it's Cun-yi's turn

Our principle led the team

Town Mayor: Of course.

(Picture with everyone and the town mayor)

Director Wun: Now we’re leaving. Children, say goodbye to town mayor.

Together: Goodbye, town mayor.

Town Mayor: Children, goodbye.

(End of the interview)

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