The image that we used in this research was categorized into five assembly hall, named by the five streets of Wu Fu street. Here are them.


Hall Title Type of data Content
Shunshing street Magistrate DV Interview of Magistrate
Field survey DV Survey on the street
Fushing street Drugstore Digital recorder Sound record of Drugstore
Bookstore Digital recorder Sound record of bookstore
Magistrate Digital recorder Sound of Magistrate's interview
Heshing street The Wufu street Web album Old photos of "No sky" street
Taishing street The Wufu street today Web album The " No sky" street today
Changshing street Research Process Web album Photos of research


Shunshing street assembly hall

Magistrate Field survey
Preview (3M) Preview (3M)
Movie (18M) Movie (8M)
All the files are in wmv format, please download and  watch them with window media pleaer


Fushing street assembly hall

Drugstore Bookstore Magistrate
All the files are in wma format, please listen to them with window media player


Heshing street assembly hall

The Wufu street
 Web album
Movie (3M)
wmv format, please download and watch it in windows media player


Taishing street assembly hall

The Wufu street today
Web album
Movie (4M)
Movie is in wmv format, please download and watch it in windows media player


Changsing street assembly hall

Research process
Web album
Movie (2M)
Movie is in wmv format, please download and watch it in windows media player

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