Street in Kobe

           Kobe (the red spot) is a major city in Kinki area of Japan. Motomachi street, located in Kobe is a well-know street in Japan. This commercial street offered consumers a more comfortable shopping environment by covering transparent roofs. Although there are significant differences between the old “no sky” streets and modern “no sky” streets, the concept of serving consumers and making shopping more convenient always leads to great success in business.



Around Kobe


History of Motomachi Street

       Motomachi commerical street in Kobe has existed since Edo period. It has been constantly developed since the start of Kobe Harbor, 1868. It has the reputation as the oldest street of Kobe, of Japan. The street is decorated with large amount of lamps and colored glasses. They characterize the history and culture of Yuanding Commerical Street in Kobe. It is Edo Harbor in the south to the commercial street; Zoucyu mountain in the north; Foreigner’s residency in the east. There are also many other commercial streets around Yuanding, such as Sangong Commercial Street, and Nanjing Street with Chinese style, which is famous for Chinese food.


Motomachi commerical street


The Street Today       

        Located between Lichuanjin to the Motomachi stop of Kobe high-speed railway, Motomachi commerical street is 2 kilometers long. Within the range, there are shops of various types, from department stores, clothing shops, restaurants, bookstores, tableware, and whatever you can think of. The commercial street is like a community. Shop owners help each other or hold activities by their organization. Motomachi commerical street usually holds concerts on some specific spots, for example, Fongyuetan Hall. The organization of the commercial streets is very tight. This is similar to the Hanjiao of the “no sky” market area in Lukang. This character is shown by the fact that most shops have one day off on Wednesdays.


Map of the street


        The two-floor high commercial street with transparent roof enables pedestrians to continue their shopping in rainy days. The long street was divided into several divisions, providing different consumers various choices. In addition, the old custom was located at “the spot of harbor during Mingjhih Reformation” on the end of 6 Dingmu Road.

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