2003年第四屆台灣學校網界博覽會專題計劃簡報  2003年彰化縣中小學網界博覽會第一屆鄉土專題研究


Interview with Peitou Town mayor Cheng Mon-shui


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訪談日期:1月28日   Date Jan 28

訪談對象:詹孟士鎮長   Subject : Peitou Town Mayor  Cheng Mon-shui

特派記者:江紀柔   News Reporter : Chung Chi-Ro

訪談內容:  Contents

一.詹鎮長個人小傳:  Biography of Town Mayor Cheng started :
5歲讀天主教幼稚園 , 7歲讀北斗國小 , 13歲讀北斗國中 , 讀屏東農專後去當兵.參政已九年之久 , 目前是無黨籍鎮長.

Kindergarten at five ( 5 ), Elementary at Seven( 7 ), Middle school at thirteen ( 13 )

After graduation from The National Pin-Don Agriculture College, he joined the army. Have been in 

politics  for nine years.

He is right now the town mayor of Peitou. He is not with any political party.


二.北斗歷史沿革: History of Peitou
清朝時北斗鎮非常繁華 , 人民都很有錢 ,又是屬於文教區  , 所以當初不願意讓鐵路通過, 以致北斗現在的人口越變越少.

Peitou used to be very busy in the Cheng Dynasty. People were rich. As the academic area, they did 

not agree to let the railway to pass. This is why population in this area is getting less.

一府(台南) , 二鹿(鹿港) , 三艋舺(萬華) , 四寶斗(北斗) , 歷史悠久的古老城鎮 . 街道呈現井字型 , 從河濱划船划到外海 , 再從外海坐大船出國.

The first fu ( Tai-Nan ), The Second Lu ( Lu-Kang ), The third Mon-Cha ( Wan-Hwa ), The fourth 

Baw-Dou ( Peitou ). Peitou is an old town with historical popularity. All the streets are formed like an 井 

shape. You can row a boat from the river bank to the coast, and then take a ship going abroad.

自古以來 , 大型城鎮最重要的就是護城河 , 北斗四方都有河流 , 斗的意思就是突出來 , 土質是花崗岩 , 因此不易淹水 , 地震也不至於過度鬆動.

The ground is granite which is water-proof , and remains solid after earthquake.

北斗三員的由來:北斗自古是行政中心 , 知識份子多 , 老師自然就多 , 學生人數隨著增多 , 當然警員就會多 , 北斗肉圓漸漸打開知名度 , 便宜而且口味大眾化.

The origin of Three-Yuan of Peitou : Peitou is the centre of administration with many scholars. As a 

consequence ,more teachers has come  and the population of students grows accordingly.

Police officers are also added to the government payroll.

The Peitou meatball started to establish popularity gradually with reasonable price and generally accepted 



人口目前三萬四千人 , 面積19.23平方公里 , 以前有18里 , 目前有15里.

The population of Peitou is thirty four thousand and the total area is 19.23 square kilometers. There used 

to be 18 里  ( an administrative area ) , now they are 15 .

小吃特產:肉圓 , 酥糖 , 香油 , 肉乾 , 筒仔米糕 , 麥芽 , 酥丸 , 冬粉.

Snacks and local products : meatball , crisp candy , sesame oil , preserved meat , rice cake in Bamboo 

containers , wheat sprouts , crisp ball , rice noodles .

木球公園佔地五甲 , 是中華民國最大的木球運動場地.

木球 Park is taking an area of 五甲 which is the biggest playground of 木球 .


Popularity of Peitou furniture .


四.北斗前景展望: The prospect of Peitou
1.建立寶斗文史工作室--最大的幕後功臣:劉金木先生 , 柯宏基先生.工作室在鎮公所的三樓圖書館.

   建立的原因:要讓北斗的美展現出來 , 讓子子孫孫都看的到 , 要保存古老的建築.

Establish a studio of historical events--the person who contributes the most :

Mr. Liu King-Mo , 

Mr. Kah Hung-Chi.

The working area is at the 3rd floor of Peitou Library.

Reason for constructing this studio : To demonstrate the beauty of Peitou and show this to our future 

generations; to maintain old architectural style.

2.牛墟為縣有地 , 彰化縣縣長計劃蓋露天劇場.

The cow ruin is owned by Changhua county government , and The county mayor plans to construct  an 

open drama center over there.

3.奠安宮香火不鼎盛是因為交通道路太小 , 宮前街打算由七米拓寬為十二米 , 一整年張燈結綵 , 變成美食街.

Den-An Palace Temple is not with much popularity because of the narrow streets which block the 

visitors to come to pray and pay their respect. The town government plans to expand the road from

 seven meters to twelve meters with year-round festival lanterns to finally become a gourmet area. 


To build a parking lot between Wu-Cheng Bridge and Seven-Star Bridge.


五.對於推廣北斗肉圓的規劃與期許:  A resolution and planning to promote Peitou Meatball
1.北斗肉圓之所以會有名是因為便宜(一個十元 ,彰化肉圓一個三十元) , 北斗鄉親自己人捧場 , 購買慾強 , 打開知名度.

Peitou Meatball is popular because it is cheap ( ten NT dollars each, thirty NT dollars each in Changhua 

city ).

Residents in Peitou patronize this food themselves. They want to buy, and therefore has established it's 


2.推廣精緻美食觀念 , 藉由美食街推銷北斗名產 , 重建台灣美食界的透明珍珠--北斗肉圓 , 威名遠播.

To promote Peitou specialty with the gourmet street, to reconstruct the image of crystal pearl -- Peitou 

meatball , well-known to everyone.




鎮長知無不言   言無不盡


趕快記下來  重點實在太多了


終於採訪完畢   合照一張吧!






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