Carving techniques

Relief sculpture: With this type of sculpture, the image projects out from the base material.

Tou diao sculpture: This is basically a type of sculpture in the round. It has holes which pierce through it, as in the barwork on a stone-framed window, for example.

Incised carving: This method is typically used on wall panels. The profile of an image is incised into the material.

Sunken relief: With this style of carving the image to be depicted is carved out of the surrounding material at different levels of depth. This style is very rare in Chinese architecture.

On the walls of the front hall there are quite a few stone carvings and stone windows featuring scenes from various ancient Chinese legends, especially the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The figures are executed in great detail, and the stories, while fun, are also intended to teach a moral.

Incised carving
Sunken relief

Written by Tsu-Yi and photographed by Chiu-Hui